15th October 2013

People teaching kids swear words

Made by Zekrom in Reports

787 posts
Seen 12th March 2014
15th October 2013, 08:37 AM

Adults and teens I would like to report that you have been teaching kids

swear words and they can get banned from the game

kids if your out there reading this

listen to me carefully (im a kid btw)

if people are swearing and teaching you these words

tell an adult too sort it out

but your lucky now

the members of the staff have agreed on taking out /jr adults

so if you see someone swearing (even using bot or making an cat with a swear name)

tell the admins and mods for safety (or parent or carer or who takes care of you)

that's why this is called 'E' safety

and that stands for Electric Safety

And internet safety

you might get a virus when someone

sends you a message

so ask a parent or carer to sort it out

Epic signature by my best bud iceesoda/luke

Epic signature by: Internal
Epic signature by cat warrior "Meow"

Awesome Signature Made By Cat Warrior

6 posts
15th October 2013, 08:48 AM

your not a teen? or kid is counted as a teen

Let the Party Begin! ;D

787 posts
Seen 12th March 2014
15th October 2013, 08:49 AM

im under the age of 10 lol

Epic signature by my best bud iceesoda/luke

Epic signature by: Internal
Epic signature by cat warrior "Meow"

Awesome Signature Made By Cat Warrior

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