Kawaii Girl
1,242 posts
Seen 14th March 2016
2nd June 2014, 01:55 PM
Once upon a time a long time ago, there was a king and queen. Both of them ruled a kingdom but the kingdom was in need of a cold place since they were penguins. Many of them begged the queen and king but they disagreed. But then a penguin named "Damen" told the queen and king he would discover a new world where all penguins can be free. The king and queen agreed and damen started his adventure. A few weeks later he found a land where it was cold enough for the penguins to live. He told the queen and king and then the kingdom was abandoned to go to the new land that damen found. Though before they got there the king died from a heart attack. The queen was upset and then she said "I will no longer be queen. I will become a normal penguin and live my life alone." The queen ran away and was never found! The penguins decided to name damen their king cause he discovered the land. Thought it needed to be named! There were many ideas but then he came up with the name. The perfect name was "old club penguin". Then it was decided the new land was named oldcp. The penguins were free but oldcp needed protection. Damen decided to hire some people to watch over oldcp when he's not there at oldcp. There were a prince, princesses, moderators, knights, and penguin watch's. The prince was archie. The princesses were iceesofie, gugu, and raindrop. The moderators were Terry91, key123, r2d2, minty, bob, tacofun, harry, iwuvbakon, and bailey. There were many people who were hired. Though he needed two more people to watch over the kingdom. One day two penguins walked up to him and wished to become a admistrater. He said yes and then cyberwolf was named the co-founder and mikomi a admistrater (or another co-found I forgot). The kingdom was well and everyone loved oldcp. More penguins moved into the great land and it was a perfect land for all penguins! The end
" Life Is A Night Sky, Keep Searching For The Stars "
" Life Is A Night Sky, Keep Searching For The Stars "