16th October 2013, 07:14 AM
hey guys! i invented a new medicine called the huuump day heeal! have you ever been really sick? have you ever had a cuncussion? well take a sip of the new huump dayyy heal and you will no longer be sick and you'll be screaming HUUMP DAYY to celebrate that your not sick anymore. the name of it is not the "hump day" heal. its the HUUMP DAYY heal! say it like that. so feel free to come to "coolman's HUUMP DAYY heal store" and you'll be saying HUUMP DAYY every time you drank it. happy hUUMP DAY. (sorry if this counts as an ad. it was meant to be a joke,but sorry if this is breaking a rule.) have a great day and i'll see you guys on oldcp! until then...waddle on!