21st June 2014

Forum Moderator Application

Made by Rawr in Applications

2,442 posts
Seen 26th February 2019
21st June 2014, 11:30 AM

Hello reader, and staff members,

It is me, Rawr, here to apply for a DSGHQ Forum moderator position to protect so site. I know this is a hard rank to earn, but I could possibly get the job, if I do well, and get the support I need. Now I know I may not get the job, but I won't jinx it seeing I could possibly get it. Let begin..!

I am known as Rawr here on the DSGHQ forums, and OldCP.biz. I have been a forum news reporter for quite a period of time, and then resigned. I the news promoted to master, by Damen. I am an experienced user with he DSGHQ, especially when it comes to the forums. I know my way around, and how things work here with the HQ. I've been here for quite a while.


I have alot of experience, especially when it comes to moderating a website, or a game.

- I have owned a chatbox before.
- I have moderated a chatbox before
- I have moderated a CPPS, but it shut down due to hacking
- I have become news Reporter on DSGHQ Forums
- Im good in gaming
- I am currently a Master here on the DSGHQ forums.
- Iv been here for 7 months now

I believe my Experience in moderating shows full rewsponsibility, and that i should be trusted for this amazing job. I really would like to change this community in a good way, and making a difference. I really enjoy this community, and i believe its time that i prove my experience and skills of moderating. I am a very experienced person, and i really want a job to do while i spend my time here.

Why I should be trusted:

I honeslty think I should be trusted to moderate he forums because of the experience I have in moderator. I should be trusted because I've been with the community for quite some time now, and haven't been banned/kicked/ip banned. I should also be trusted becuase in my experience in moderating I have never a used powers. I also know at abusing, and such will lead myself to consequences. I also know to lock discussions when it's time, and to change discussions out of one category, into another, if it's necessary. I should also be trusted due to I help a lot of users during my time here, and do the best I can. I have also done useful posts as: the rules, the ranks, the staff, about channels, and many more. I also know that if a user cusses, it will lead them to a ban.i should be trusted because I am a calm, safe user, and will not try to hurt anyone, in any way. I would also like to prove my experiences and be able to moderate a community like this for once.

What i know about moderator:

- A moderator must be mature
- A moderator must have good grammar in order to be understood
- A moderator must be active, to look over the site
- A moderator must reach the requirements (on this website)
- A moderator must never betray the game/site
- A moderator must never lie
- A moderator must do as they are told
- A moderator must know what to do during a situation
- A moderator must kick/ban/ipban when it is necessary
- A moderator must answer questions
- A moderator must search for proof, during a situation
- A moderator needs to be serious, but friendly
- A moderator must know what there doing.

To test if i am ready for forum mod, i shall tell you when to do something, and when not to. I will name examples, and answer the examples.

2 users are fighting in a discussion, What do you do?

I tell these users to stop fighting and to apologize.

These 2 users dont stop, what shall you do?

I will start with locking the post.

! of the users dislike every post that youve posted on that thread, what do you do?

I delete the discussion.

Why i want this rank:

I want this rank because i believe i can prove my skills to this community, and work with the members like a team. Seeing some staff are inactiove, i would like to fix that and be one of the most active staffs this community ever had. I would like to take responsibility into keeping an eye on this site, and masking sure no one breaks the rules. I really would like to change this community in a good way, and help out users even more than i do now. I have been recommended 2 times aswell.

Do I reach the requirements?

I believed I do reach the requirements to keep the HQ safe and sound. I reach all basically all the moderator requirements, and not only do I reach the moderator requirements but I do like to add a little fun to moderating. I only do not reach the age requirement, though, i am, very mature for my age, as you see.

What i would do as a Forum Moderator?

As a forum moderator. I will ofcourse, look over the website, discussions, albums,moods, and all the features, to make sure nothing wrong is happening. If there are any imposters, i will check iplogs, and take care of the situation. I will ofcourse, answer questions, have fun, protect the website, move posts from categories (if there in the wrong one), delete inappropriate posts, and anything like another staff does on here. ! of the most important things, is that i will get along with my fellow staff crew.


- Im experienced
- Im mature
- Iv never been banned on oldCP or Forums
- Im a master
- Iv been on OldCP for 7 months
- I have proper grammar
- i love helping out
- Im good in leadership
- I never broke a rule
- I respect the community, the users, and its staff members
- Iv been recommended for mod 3 times.

More to be added!

Thanks for reading!

1,694 posts
Seen 9th July 2022
21st June 2014, 11:32 AM

very nice app very good hope you get it

+1 by MrSam
here's an old image I have

The Guy From Boston
1,779 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
21st June 2014, 11:34 AM

Its an outstanding Application. You have not even broken the rules. But when a user said a cuss Word start by Warning then after kick and then ban and the Ipban

Just a tip

On topic Pretty decent

2,097 posts
Seen 21st September 2020
21st June 2014, 11:36 AM


1,598 posts
Seen 25th October 2014
21st June 2014, 11:44 AM

Great app Rawr4mod! love it


665 posts
Seen 3rd July 2014
21st June 2014, 11:59 AM

I think you would make a great mod!

Epic signature made by Maggie

11 posts
Seen 30th December 2014
21st June 2014, 12:06 PM

Excellent Application Rawr RAWR4MOD!

Hi im zainyadam

1,106 posts
Seen 11th November 2015
21st June 2014, 01:16 PM

Wow! I sure hope you get moderator! You would be perfect!


Vampire Test from quizrocket.com!
Quizzes: Customer Engagement

2,442 posts
Seen 26th February 2019
21st June 2014, 04:30 PM

Thank you all for the support. Hopefully, if Damen sees this, I'll get promoted!


2,721 posts
Seen 14th March 2016
22nd June 2014, 01:50 PM

I don't want to be rude, but a forum moderator needs good grammar and spelling. Your application lacks some of this; it's a good idea to proof read your posts before publishing.

Some friends
Raindrop, Tennis, Abu, Sadie, Toby, Chelsey, Hashir, Kara, Damen, Bailey
I am that prince which you probably know from the DSGHQ! I'm obsessed with Jaffa Cakes and Stags!

1,763 posts
Seen 11th March 2023
27th July 2014, 11:01 AM

Outstanding. I love this application. +1

1,137 posts
Seen 14th August 2023
27th July 2014, 11:10 AM

I think you have not very good grammer, a forum moderator needs good grammer.
Good luck though, awesome application! +1

1,414 posts
Seen 10th February 2022
27th July 2014, 12:47 PM

I don't want to be rude, but a forum moderator needs good grammar and spelling. Your application lacks some of this; it's a good idea to proof read your posts before publishing.
Yes, there are some spelling mistakes.. but if he corrects them, its a Very good app! +1 :)


627 posts
Seen 6th April 2020
27th July 2014, 03:27 PM

Yes, there are some spelling mistakes, other than that it's a great application. #RAWR4MOD Love,

Queen Regent of Snaildom
1,826 posts
Seen 15th August 2023
27th July 2014, 04:46 PM

One thing to say, #Rawr4forumsmod


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