23rd June 2014


Made by Zeternal in Minecraft

King of Cringe
1,799 posts
Seen 23rd December 2018
23rd June 2014, 07:34 AM

Herobrine is Notch's dead evil brother. They say he hasn't appeared in the actual Minecraft game. Herobrine is also known for being a community icon in Minecraft. He has the exact skin as Steve but has white eyes that glow in the dark. Herobrine actually appears in the Minecraft mods because in the unmodded clients and servers, there is no code to generate what he can build. He can be seen holding tools rarely. However, his hands are usually empty. Herobrine is said to have the ability to run in Minecraft. It is also said that he can move via teleportation. He is also able to destroy and rebuild in Minecraft. He also usually targets human players but not other animals.

I hope you learned something new about Herobrine!


MY MOD APP:http://forums.damenspike.com/view/20226-/

MY DET APP:http://forums.damenspike.com/view/21056-/

Thank you, Sampopxxx101! :)

Knights Army! More info: http://forums.damenspike.com/KnightsArmy Thanks Away/Wisp for the signature! :D
Thanks Yoyo for le awesome comic! :D Thanks Sampopxxx for the signature! :D Thanks suzy for the boss signature! :D
Thanks Lloyd for dis sig! ;)
Behold the sig of 2015!! Thanks Foxeh!!

1,598 posts
Seen 25th October 2014
23rd June 2014, 07:47 AM

yea he is like a ghost


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