19th October 2013, 05:55 PM
I want the job!
Rip itreasure. She was the best but now she is in heaven
19th October 2013, 05:55 PM
My name is fluffytacos
Rip itreasure. She was the best but now she is in heaven
19th October 2013, 06:01 PM
I would like to be a part of the CPA, Club Penguin Agency, because I have experience in the Agency business. I am a former PSA Agent and I am now currently in PBI, Penguin Bureau Investigation. I would be a great addition to the team. My Old CP name is Chucker321.
19th October 2013, 06:04 PM
Hey I'll join! Can I please?
Moderator of Forum.
Former Moderator of Oldcp.
Former Moderator of Oldcp.
Best Friends. Damen,Frozo,Sadie,Kara,May,PenguinDSC,CPManiac,Key123,Frogs,Tacofun,
Moshi,Pickle.and everyone else
Moshi,Pickle.and everyone else
19th October 2013, 06:10 PM
Thank you for asking me at the Office! I really appreciate that!! see you around the island!
19th October 2013, 06:12 PM
Thanks! it will be a great Honor to be apart of the CPA
Moderator of Forum.
Former Moderator of Oldcp.
Former Moderator of Oldcp.
Best Friends. Damen,Frozo,Sadie,Kara,May,PenguinDSC,CPManiac,Key123,Frogs,Tacofun,
Moshi,Pickle.and everyone else
Moshi,Pickle.and everyone else
19th October 2013, 06:12 PM
you asked me in the office so i wanna be a worker/reporter at CPA it will be amazing if i got hired thank you for your time my penguin name is cookiefado just incase thank you very much have a good day
19th October 2013, 06:13 PM
i will work for CPA. Ive been around for months and I think i will be good