15th July 2014

New Team - The Equals

Made by Templar in Inventions

3,203 posts
Seen 20th February 2020
15th July 2014, 02:54 PM


First of all, I realize making my own team would lose my position as a Freehawk, but it is worth it because I want to create a team that is created Eaqual. The only "leader" for Competition would be its owner. All the members of the team are treated equally so we all treat each other right.

Team Eaquals will have the maximum members of 14 for an average amount of members. I will try my best to make sure nobody will be cut off. This is an eaqual team, and cutting others off the team will make them think "why me?!?!".

If you join Team Equals, then you in the team will be treated just as well as your team mates. And if you join, I ask you treat others equally.

Well, here is your chance. Join while you can! :) Just ask below. (I realize most of you guys will be taken by other teams, but we all still have a chance. Plus, if you're too late for a team and they're all full, then here is your second option.)

King of Cringe
1,799 posts
Seen 23rd December 2018
15th July 2014, 03:23 PM

Cool team! I might join. +1!


MY MOD APP:http://forums.damenspike.com/view/20226-/

MY DET APP:http://forums.damenspike.com/view/21056-/

Thank you, Sampopxxx101! :)

Knights Army! More info: http://forums.damenspike.com/KnightsArmy Thanks Away/Wisp for the signature! :D
Thanks Yoyo for le awesome comic! :D Thanks Sampopxxx for the signature! :D Thanks suzy for the boss signature! :D
Thanks Lloyd for dis sig! ;)
Behold the sig of 2015!! Thanks Foxeh!!

Anything is possible, you just need to try.
1,746 posts
Seen 14th June 2023
15th July 2014, 03:24 PM

can i join toby please

+1 by Awesomegal5
Hey, im Lylance!

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