22nd July 2014

Forum Moderator Application

Made by Gaf in Applications

1,701 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
22nd July 2014, 07:26 PM

Hello! Tornado here. Here is my application.
Credit to dancebear for giving me the idea to put down of course...
Impressing things on my resume :)
I am only 11, I have been moderator 2 times before.
I have close trust with a few of the moderators here and Damen.
Ive been recomended by Chelsey.
I was one of the first masters here.
I have been on forums for almost a year.
I used to get 50 rep per day for like a month or 2.
I was number 3 in charge for Team Nerds.
I have the popular badge.

I have met all of the moderator requirements except age. I dont think its a fair rule becuse Raindrop has it, and shes 9 or 10.

I am agianst bullying. I may not seem like a SUPER DUPER nice person, But im pretty nice if you get to know me. I have good grammar and I am quite active on the forums.
I have never been moderator on forums before but I have been moderator on oldcp so I know what I am doing and have alot of experience.

I know how to use my powers and no, I will not abuse them.

I help people with depression, even tho somtimes I have it myself. A certian person here was really depressed and she kiked me and she said I saved her life.. But anyways.
I am always active. I will never abuse my powers. I like alot of the people here. Even if you have caused drama or been rude, I forgive you. if youve done it over 3 times, im not going to. But, I am mostly a very forgiving person.

Here is some information about myself.
My timezone is Eastern Standard Time.
My Birthday is March 31, 2003.

If there is a bully that is bullying sombody I dont even know, I stand up for them. I dont like that person. Even if my friend is bullying them, I would still stand up.

Im a helpfull person and im kinda shy. Im a really funny person at the same time, tho. Well, Thats my application! Damen said I was really close to it so I thought this might help. My goal is 15 likes.. Your comments and likes mean alot to me, Have a good day or night Haha, Bye!!


+1 by Dancebear, Zeternal, Pencil, roze and 1 other
Epic signature from thisismyname Cool signature from Cheep! Cool sig from Bella

927 posts
Seen 28th August 2023
22nd July 2014, 07:28 PM

Wow another person using my ''Impressive section'' Method! Thanks Tornado! :D And Great Application. It has great details. +1


+1 by Scott

Close Friends

- Abushekaus, The PCC Crew, Malorie, Harrison, Zeshan -

1,384 posts
Seen 22nd July 2015
22nd July 2014, 08:00 PM

Great application! I hope you become a Mod! ^-^
~Angi :)

Former Moderator - Master - Friendly user <3
Don't hesitate to come to me if you need anything.

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