22nd October 2013

How to earn credits

Made by May23 in Help and Support

2,325 posts
Seen 2nd November 2015
22nd October 2013, 03:20 PM

Hey guys, May23 here! Lately a lot of penguins have been asking me about credits, so to all the new forum members that don't really know, this post will give you the information! :)

*What are credits?
~ Credits are kind of like coins. You can buy things like extras, or buy a business. (like the coffee shop for example)

*What are extras?
~ Extras are, well- extras! For example, you can buy a name glow in an assortment of different colors, premium, and more!

*Where can I buy these extras?
Who can buy credits in your extras store.

* Where is the extras store?
To get the extras store, click your penguin, and your player card will pop up. Near the top right corner there should be a link that says "Buy stuff"
Click that, and you can access the store. From there you can also access the extras you already have bought.

* How can I get credits?
There are many ways to get credits, and these are some of them:

1. You can do nice and kind deeds.
Doing kind things and helping around the island might get you rewarded by a Moderator!

2. Getting a job.
Getting a job is one of the best ways to earn credits, as it is a stable choice.
You can get a job by asking a Moderator, or asking a penguin who owns a business. You can also apply on the forum, or message an Administrator. (like Damen, or Cyberwolf, for ex)
You will receive your credits monthly. (or weekly, depending on the job)

***How do i work?
This is another frequently asked question. You can work at places, for ex, the Coffee Shop. I have a job at the Coffee Shop, so i serve people coffee.

3. Credit competitions/games
Sometimes members or moderators will host games or competitions to compete for free credits.

4. Friendly penguins
Sometimes friendly penguins or friend may lend you some credits, but note that you should never ask for them! Asking/pleading for credits is not nice, and it will lower the chance of you getting what you want. So just save the time, and DON'T ask for credits.

* Even if you don't get a job the first couple times you ask- don't worry! Just keep trying and you will get one eventually :)

Hope this helped you!
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