25th October 2013

New to oldcp?

Made by Malorie in Cool Stuff

1,051 posts
Seen 7th August 2022
25th October 2013, 02:31 AM

Welcome to old club penguin here are some rules you must follow to be apart of the old clubpenguin family and I will introduce you to the current mods and admins and tell you more about them :)!
You must respect other players and treat them fairly you can't call them names or you will get kicked! calling people names is cyber bullying and we are trying to lower the chances of it that means we are more strict about what you say now a days !
Please don't cuss ! Ass and damn are aloud as long as it's not to hurt anyone once again another point of cyber bullying !
Don't disrespect mods or admins they are regular penguins but have the ability to kick or ban you if they see you doing something wrong !
Do not hack other penguins or the game it will cause you an ipban ( means you can never play again on that computer or penguin )
Mods and admins

Damen , Mateo , Chelsey are admins ! they have the right to make anyone a mod !

Damen is the creator of old club penguin he will change your rank on club penguin to rank 2 ( mod in training ) rank 3 ( mod ) rank 4 ( admin ) he completely controls the game and can change the settings and add things !

Mateo ( cyberwolf ) Is a main owner with Damen ! They are friends and Mateo is a great admin he's on all the time and is fun to be around and is a great friend to!

Chelsey is Damens girlfriend don't think Chelsey got her position cause of that! they started dating after she became a admin ! Chelsey is strong willed and isn't afraid to kick you if you do something wrong .

Iceesofie , journey , fizz , dan , sunwolf , thisismyname , cpmaniac , freezer , hashir , Kara Are mods ! they can't make mods but they can kick , ban and ipban you they can delete a player or change a pass :)

Freezer ( my best friend ) ; just earned his mod today ! October 24th 2013 , Freezer is a great guy an amazing friend and is very playful! look at my other posts ! you can see him messing around before he was a mod and while he's a mod! he's great to be around I recommend him long term!

Iceesofie : is a sweet girl she is an amazing mod from what I can see she doesn't like to ban people ! but will if It comes to it !

journey : playful and funny! never have a dull moment with her she enjoys tacos :3!

fizz : long term mod strong and funny! he had a great personality you should really say hi to him!

Dan : new mod !( Mateo/cyberwolf cousin ) he's funny and loves to play games ! he's hilarious with his best friend savior !

sunwolf : quiet mod but very sneaky :) she's really fun !

thisismyname : Very hard worker and enjoys her role of being a mod !

cpmaniac : new mod ! not much have I seen him around ( will update when I see more of him )

hashir : serious , strict mod always there but you never know it ! be careful he's always on!

Kara : nice young lady :) she's a strict mod and is all about business !

+1 by
contact me through discord if you need me @honey#4967

1,051 posts
Seen 7th August 2022
25th October 2013, 02:36 AM

sorry if it's long ..

contact me through discord if you need me @honey#4967

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