26th October 2013
Damen Reaches 500 Reputation
26th October 2013, 07:13 AM
Damen just recently obtained 500 reputation. Wow, lots of people like his posts! At least his posts mean something and aren't off-topic or a waste of time. Besides, he's the owner of this, so he should have the most likes. On the Staff list, Hashir is the only one who's reputation is closest to his, but Hashir only has 284. Once again, congratulations Damen!
Thanks for reading! You are welcome to comment.
Thanks for reading! You are welcome to comment.
26th October 2013, 07:20 AM
Congrats damen you wouldn't had have 500 reputation if you made this copyright of oldcp and we loved it
so you basically deserve that 500 reputation and kara congrats on your 858th post!
so you basically deserve that 500 reputation and kara congrats on your 858th post!
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