9th September 2014

Snaildom Story: Hope's journey

Made by Angi in Snaildom

1,384 posts
Seen 22nd July 2015
9th September 2014, 06:29 PM


This story is about a little snail named Hope. Hope lives with her grandpa, she has no parents. She never really found out what happened to them. Hope loves to read and gets lost in her stories. She owns a library in a little kingdom named, Toblerone. It is named that because the King of the town King Damen, created the first Toblerone in that same place. King Damen ruled this kingdom and was good to all. Hope was always shy and she didn't talk much. But, one day a message was sent from a mysterious anonymous kingdom. They are going to attack the kingdom of Toblerone. Toblerone needs more knights! They have no chance against this kingdom Why are they doing this? What is Hope going to do?

Chapter 1
King Damen's arrival.

It was a quiet day for Hope. She does not usually have many people come visit her library often. But, she liked it that way. She has lived alone her whole life without any parents so, I suppose she got used to it. Hope cleaned the dusty tables and books. Then she sighed. All of a sudden there was noise outside it sounded loud and frantic almost. Hope dusted off her hands and walked outside. It was King Damen! Riding in a carriage! "Why would he be in the village in this kind of day?" Hope whispered to herself. As the carriage stopped, King Damen and, Queen Sofie stepped out. They were escorted into the middle of all the people and finally, Damen began to speak. "We have most horrible news." He said. "We have just gotten notice from an anonymous kingdom that they are coming to attack us all in three months time. I am here to recruit new knights. From what the letter reads, this is not just a small kingdom we are going to be up against. They did not give any reason for their attack either. I am going to get one of my most trusted knights to help me recruit more. That is all for now." And then after a moment of science, King Damen stepped back into the carriage. Hope knew her grandfather would want to enter the war to save her. Hope started to run.

Chapter 2

What really happened to Hope's parents.

Hope was scared. Without a thought she ran home to her grandpa. "GRANFATHER!" Hope cried. "They want people for the war and, I was planning on going because I don't want you to go and I really need to keep you safe please forgive me, I know it's crazy!" Immediately Hope's grandfather rushed into the kitchen. He put his hand up and said. "I heard about the war, and I am far to old to enter it." His eyes filed up with tears as he choked on his words. "Grandfather, what's wrong?" Hope said. Her grandfather sat on a small stool and started to speak. "Hope, my dear. Your parents th-they died in the last war." Hopes eyes filled up with tears and she began to cry. "I don't want to loose you too!" Hope stayed silent. "Grandfather," She said. "I must do this." "For my mother and father." Her grandfather wiped the tears off of his face and walked to his room. Hope ran. She stole her grandfathers old armor and ran off into the night.

Chapter 3

Hope's gift!

Hope was tired she walked the last few steps to training grounds and stood silently next to all of the other knights in training. All of a sudden a shadow appeared on the grounds everyone looked up and saw a brave knight riding in on a horse with weapons and all! She looked fierce and brave. It was silent for a moment then, she introduced her self. "Hello, everyone. I am IndigoPalace. I am here to prepare you all for the next war. This will be easy for some and, hard for others. Today I will test your strength, and power. I first want you all to run five laps around this ground. And, this is only a warm up." Hope knew this was only the beginning. After everyone ran the laps they were split into two teams. The loosing team must stay at practice for two more hours. Hope was nervous she didn't know what she got herself into at all. Everyone got in positions. Then, it was time to fight. People were running in all directions. Hope didn't know what to do! She saw someone eyeing her and laughing. Hope had enough. She was sick of being shy all her life, she was tired of her parents gone, she was tired of having no friends! Finally CHHHHHHHAAAAARRRRGE! Hope ran as fast as she could and nearly killed one of her opponents. Hope was shaking hard. "Did I really do that?!" Hope thought. But, that was only day one.

Chapter 4

Months past, the seasons changed and so did Hope. She had turned out to be a find knight. But, she was still frighted. She hadn't seen her grandfather for months now and she was thinking about him constantly. But, now was not the time to be nervous. It was only a day before the war started and Hope was not feeling herself.

Thank you all for reading part one! Tell me how you liked it and if I should change anything just pm me or tell me in the comments.

Part two is coming out tomorrow!


~Angi :)

+1 by eloise and dounia

Former Moderator - Master - Friendly user <3
Don't hesitate to come to me if you need anything.

686 posts
Seen 1st March 2016
9th September 2014, 07:32 PM

Angi this is a great story. You have now inspired me to write one too!

1,384 posts
Seen 22nd July 2015
10th September 2014, 07:11 AM

Angi this is a great story. You have now inspired me to write one too!
/quote] Glad I could help! :)
~Angi :)

Former Moderator - Master - Friendly user <3
Don't hesitate to come to me if you need anything.

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