21st September 2014

villager news

Made by GuildMirai in Minecraft

536 posts
Seen 21st January 2016
21st September 2014, 11:47 AM

today we saw a villager fight over his emerald we then thrown him into the cage of noses for 2 minutes where he then was sentenced to the minecart we he was electrocuted and then was healed with a splash potion officer butt cheek was caught not looking at a emerald and his name was violent officer butt cheek was sentenced to the whole of death ofcause the whole was only one block deep as it could hurt them if they digged more a violent fight came out today :footage: who moved my mug villager number 8 replys me villager number 2 replys ok.

the lottery numbers are /jr krosty krob 453 a picture of a dog and the lucky number a peace of wood.
that is all from mr villager

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