28th October 2013

Resign - Damen

Made by Journey in Reports

60 posts
Seen 9th July 2015
28th October 2013, 08:16 PM

8:13 PM. We have now heard Damen has resigned from OldCP. For Damen's effort, He has made this game as successive as it can be.
Announcements will continue until further notice about Damen's Resign from OldCP.

Thank you for reading this.

- Journey

"If you can't win the game, If you can't solve the puzzle, then you're nothing, but a loser".

520 posts
Seen 28th June 2021
28th October 2013, 08:18 PM

For when ones story ends, another one is to begin. This is not the end of oldcp, but perhaps the beginning of a brand new age. Only time will tell what shall happen to oldcp and I wish Mateo luck in leading oldcp.

+1 by Brndav

"Everyone has heard that a million monkeys typing on a million typewriters would eventually reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare. Thanks to the internet, we now know that this is not true."

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