28th October 2013, 11:07 PM
there is this penguin going around saying hurtful things im on a newcomputer and I haven't figure windows 8 out yet so I couldn't make proof . but CCM22 has been following me around saying mean and rude things and is saying I said the n word which I would never do and caling me a bully
contact me through discord if you need me @honey#4967
28th October 2013, 11:21 PM
Wow, that reminds me of avax123!
Your friend,
If you want a signature, tell me! I will make you one right away!
Describe how you want it though!
But make sure all credit goes to me!
I also do profile pic studio and helping studio!
If you want a signature, tell me! I will make you one right away!
Describe how you want it though!
But make sure all credit goes to me!
I also do profile pic studio and helping studio!
Best friends
May23monthly and Sadie