16 posts
Seen 27th February 2015
5th October 2014, 11:24 AM
Ok,so i know almost everyone wants to be a snaildom mod!Alot of people (or snails) would be good at it,and they would be perfect,but you have to remember the people who got to be knight and stuff xD they were meant to be that,you cant brag for it if your not meant for it.
There is (maybe) going to be alot of new mods!And i want to be one of those people! ^.^ i hope someday that i get to be mod! I've played for like a year maybe,or almost a year! And i hope that you have good luck if your trying to be mod Dont give up,becuase your dreams might come true ^.^ ~2cool4you~
There is (maybe) going to be alot of new mods!And i want to be one of those people! ^.^ i hope someday that i get to be mod! I've played for like a year maybe,or almost a year! And i hope that you have good luck if your trying to be mod Dont give up,becuase your dreams might come true ^.^ ~2cool4you~
~Don't judge my choices without understanding my reasons~