5th October 2014, 03:08 PM
First I'd like to say thanks to Damen! He makes amazing games for us with his hard earned money! I think we all should thank Damen. But I want to know how to apply for a " job" as a mod. I think I would be a good mod because: 1 I've had lots of experience. I've played a few of Damen's other games. I play Club Penguin , OldCP , Minecraft ,Snaildom and a lot of other games. I also think I'd be a good mod because I'm not to old and I think a lot of the peple who play Snaildom are younger so I can relate to them! 2 I love helping people it gives me the best feeling ever like I did something right! It makes me super happy! Well once again thanks so much Damen rock on I mean slither on! Sincerely, chip (btw I'm the waitress at the inn if you ever need me! It would be an honor to help!)
479 posts
Seen 8th October 2022
5th October 2014, 03:27 PM
You need some more experience, try getting Member or Master first.