31st October 2013

Welcome back damen!

Made by Zekrom in Introductions and Leaving

787 posts
Seen 12th March 2014
31st October 2013, 06:42 PM

hey guys great news damen is back!

welcome back damen there has been bad news some people
have been quitting because you quit because we love you

also your a helpful person because you made the oldcp no one wants to leave again
since your back were all very happy and I hope you missed us all

we all missed you and mateo did a great job though so we can thank mateo for
taking your place to help everyone also chelsey and moderators worked hard

and some great news another moderator have been premoted
here is his/her name: Junior

pickle1020 has became a moderator on forum and he's looking forward to getting
moderator in-game he's a good friend and a hard worker

now we don't have to leave because your here :) and we lets have our fingers crossed
that theres no more swearing and bad stuff and all that's rude or something

everyone should thank you for making a copyright of oldcp so that
the people that missed oldcp and didn't get a chance they can see how it was
and its true Disney ruined oldcp also I found out why mickey was the face on Disney vs oldcp

because mickey is the mascot of Disney
nevermind that were all happy your back

+1 by Damen and Notacoolman

Epic signature by my best bud iceesoda/luke

Epic signature by: Internal
Epic signature by cat warrior "Meow"

Awesome Signature Made By Cat Warrior

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