just a typical pvris fangirl
1,843 posts
Seen 14th March 2016
7th January 2015, 08:22 PM
Welcome to the first edition of my new series for all the latest news!
BREAKING NEWS! The forums just got a new border! It looks like the DSG home page! It looks amazing and you may like it too!
Snaildom news Damen confirmed Snaildom may shut down due to people not playing it anymore. People were also making posts, moods, and channels to keep it back up.
OldCP news The snowball fight server, White Out, just reopened! Join snowball fights and make squads by saying /cs (squad name). Join a new one by saying /js (squad name). You have lives and if you die, you respawn in about 15 seconds!
Song of the day
Black Widow by Iggy Azalea ft. Rita Ora! (This is the clean version, it means the cusses are blocked). PM me a song and it may be featured in the next Lita Report! Just no cussing and nothing inapp in it.
Sorry if it's short, it's my first one. I'll add more news next time!