22nd February 2015

Imperial Bank Updates and Applications

Made by tennis in Announcements

The Guy From Boston
1,779 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
23rd February 2015, 08:52 AM

Can i inspect the bank to check the new bankers in action?

5,463 posts
Seen 11th January 2023
23rd February 2015, 10:42 AM

I could be a lady! :) As you may tell...


Donec mors nos separaveri
1,013 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
23rd February 2015, 10:53 AM

Wait a second. Do I count as a user with a job? If I do, why can't I borrow from the bank?


1,137 posts
Seen 14th August 2023
23rd February 2015, 11:08 AM

I am going to apply for the rank of Banker!

-Clean History on DSGHQ: I do think so.
-Average Grammar: I have good grammar, i correct myself if anything is wrong.
-Good Behavior: I can get upset or mad at times when i feel like theres something wrong.
-At least Member on Forums: Yep, close to master! :P
-At least 4 months old: Late March, (27th - 29th)

Experience: Another dsghq game knight. User xD :P
What will I do as banker: I will listen to all the customers and always concentrate on what i am doing.

Conclusion: This will be a dream come true to achieve something like this, i hope others do get accepted aswell :)

Are You Trusted? Yes, atleast i think i am. :)
<3 Love you guys and thanks so much for reading my application! <3

209 posts
Seen 9th June 2015
23rd February 2015, 11:48 AM

Wow, Tennis. It's sad to see Cheep go. :( However, it's nice that you are taking a job as a banker. Good luck, Tennis, my friend! :)


Sparkle on!

383 posts
Seen 17th May 2015
23rd February 2015, 12:08 PM

I would like to apply for Banker too.

Introduction: I'm hamster the rank of banker suits good on me and I like it so much so wish me luck!

Name: Hamster

Current: News Reporter

Age: 13-14

Behave ness: yes I pretty behave well like mature in school they think im a man XD

Have you been a user for 4 months: of course! I joined in March! 2014!

Will younever rob the bank of DSGHQ: Nope, none even if they tell me they will give me money Irl

Are you willing to work as a dsghq banker: Yes! My whole dream was banker!

Hope I get it good luck to everyone! Thx Tennis And Damen :)

2,814 posts
Seen 24th May 2023
23rd February 2015, 12:39 PM

Application for 'Banker'
Hello, Sir Tennis 'The Great'. I'm Jake01, who just like the others, would like to become a Banker.
I'm not sure if you have a bias side towards this, but I don't wish to make this have a high standard of vanity.
However, here is my application:
Name on 'OldCP': Jake01
Name on 'Snaildom': Jake01
Name on DSGHQ Forums: Master Jakey
Current Age: 11
Additional details: I was born on the 12th of January 2004 at approximately 05:00. Also, I am British.
Why do you wish to be a Banker?

To be honest with you, sir, my ultimate reason as to why I wish to become Banker is that I was ironically one before!
However, due to certain changes by thee, only a few Bankers stand. If you would like proof of me being a former Banker, I'd be very happy
to mail you so. My next reason is that, Banker can also help me become more flexible via mathematics, hospitable power, literature and many more.
The rank would also help someone young like me in the world today! That is so due to the fact the world actually has money; British Pounds (£) can be
difficult at times, thus I'm sure this wouldn't only help for that currency in particular, yet all! To conclude this, my final reason towards being Banker is that
from a viewpoint of mine, my hospitality skills (When it more or less comes to helping out in an ideal manner) are nearly more than adequate. Now, this
shows I have confidence towards my abilities and I'm trying to emphasize on this consideration. Doesn't every manager wish to have confident and bold employees?
Well, my good sir, I know you wish to have so too!
Luckily, for you, I have a clean sheet... sort of. It's a 99.9% clean sheet as I can cause havoc when I'm enraged.
I've been warned recently... Yes. I am very sorry, but in my defense, I was in such a rage that I had to utter such a foul phrase
on the subject to staff being bias. :( But I've surely learned from my mistakes and I wish to take that aside! Apart from that, I am fine! Nothing in Snaildom or DSGHQ Forums.


To keep it short, exactly 10 months, 5 days. (Joined on April 16th 2014)


- Member rank on DSGHQ Forums
- Coffee Shop Waiter rank on OldCP
- Builder rank on OldCP
- Master rank on DSGHQ Forums
- Detective Helper (Of Former OldCP Detective Sergeant Bakon) on Snaildom
- FORMER BANKER! :P I've come to follow my dream once again.

That is all for my Banker application, Sir Tennis (The Great)! Please feel free to evaluate on this application
or do anything else that I would be fine with (Logically fine with). If I do earn the rank Banker, I would just like to know through the OldCP contact/ Forums Mail
if us bankers can take out a loan. However, apart from that, thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading! \(^-^)/

- Jake01's application.

+1 by Bri , Chelsey and Jesse

Queen Regent of Snaildom
1,826 posts
Seen 15th August 2023
23rd February 2015, 03:22 PM

Ok what is up? I looked at the bankers channel and I wasn't there. Was I fired?


Minty wrote my signature >.<
336 posts
Seen 31st December 2018
23rd February 2015, 05:04 PM

~Banker Application~
Hello. Today I am willing to apply for banker.

Daisy12344 on everything

I am 10 years old and soon I will be turning 11.

Clean history on the DSGHQ. Yes, I do. I have never been banned or warned on DSGHQ.
Average grammar, I guess I have average grammar. I can not say I have good grammar that is what you can judge :).
Good behavior, I believe my behavior is fine.
At least member on the DSGHQ Forums, Yes, I am a Member.
User of the community for at least 4 months. Yes, this is my fourth month.
Must be willing to work, I am willing to work.

I believe I have enough experience for Banker, but, again, you guys judge that. I have been a Snaildom Beta Tester, a Moderator Competition Finalist, a Detective apprentice, and I was a Moderator on Xat. I follow the requirements, and I understand what to do. I will give users gold if they promise to return it back within a month.
I did have a job before as Snaildom librarian although to be honest I am not doing a good job, and I want to improve as a banker. Nobody really comes on Snaildom though.

If you borrow gold, do you promise to return it in within a month? Yes, I do.

I hope you enjoyed reading this. I like keeping things short and sweet. Thanks for reading! :)

I'm Daisy12344, Minty the great's sister

Hi! I am Daisy12344. c:

:star: <3 :star: <3
My Snaildom memories


Awesome Pictures by...

-Tasha you're amazing! ♥
Bluelights it is beautiful.. :D

2,668 posts
Seen 12th April 2023
23rd February 2015, 06:19 PM

Sophia wrote on 23rd February 2015 03:22 PM:
Ok what is up? I looked at the bankers channel and I wasn't there. Was I fired?
all old bankers were fired. I guess it was because we need a whole new fresh start for the bank I'm not positive why

+1 by Jake01

1,652 posts
Seen 30th July 2022
23rd February 2015, 06:44 PM

Good Luck if you are applying! <3

I wish the best of luck to all.


+1 by Jake01

3,733 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
23rd February 2015, 07:15 PM

re apply:

Grammar: I have some grammar issues, but my grammar is ok.
Activeness: I am active all the time! Im on everyday inafact! (DSGHQ and Oldcp)
What i will do: Protect the bank and make sure nobody has problems with it/Issues with it. I will send gold (if asked) to people that have Jobs.
Trust: Im Trusted by Damen and most DSGHQ.
Qualities: I can do stuff fast (Pay fast), Help, Talk fast
I'll pay right
I'll be there on my shifts


+1 by Jesse

1,384 posts
Seen 22nd July 2015
23rd February 2015, 07:24 PM

Banker application

Greetings Tennis, Lord of the bank, and all fellow bankers of the DSGHQ.
Today I will be applying for banker. I have been in this HQ for quite some time to understand the ways of how the ranks work, including banker. I have always had that yearn to help out Cheep and protect the imperial bank, but I was never given the chance to apply until now. I am elated to be given the chance, and possibly join the team of bankers working hard today. So, without further or due, my application.

Username on all websites of the DSGHQ : Angi

Age : Currently 13

Timezone : PST


Do you have a clean history in the DSGHQ?
I have never gotten into trouble what so ever in the DSGHQ. As you can see on my forums profile I have zero warnings on the forums, and I have never caused a problem on my Angi account on Oldcp or Snaildom. As a staff member on Oldcp I solve problems, I don't cause them.

Do you have average grammar? I believe my grammar is superb. I rarely have spelling errors unless I am using my tablet, although I rarely use my tablet overall.

Are you well behaved? Being a staff member on Oldcp, that is already one of the requirements. So, personally I feel I am very well behaved setting an example to the users around me.

Are you a member on the DSGHQ Forums? I am currently a Master.

Have you been in this community for at least four months? I have been in this community for almost a year.

Are you willing to work and uphold the standards of the Imperial bank? I am certainly willing to work, and keep in mind that this rank would not interfere with my Moderating duties. I know how to keep two ranks under control, and I feel having past experience I could do that beautifully.


My experience in the DSGHQ is quite a lot. I joined this community in mid April, and I have not left it ever since. In that time since April, I was able to achieve Moderator on Oldcp and Snaildom, detective, Master on forums, and chat Moderator. The first rank I achieved was Moderator, and I have been Moderating Oldcp and Snaildom for months now with discipline, and effort. I have always set an example to the users around me with maturity. I have never gotten demoted for a wrong reason, or caused a problem in the DSGHQ. I have always been a highly active staff member, so I would be great with the shifts I am given in the Imperial bank. I get online Oldcp each day during the end of my school day. I Moderate until it is time for me to go home, do homework, and study. It does not take me a long time necessarily because I am quite smart. If I am not online in a short while I am most likely sudying for a big test coming up or a project due soon. But, in the long run I always find some chance to get online. Regarding the fact that I have reached the requirements for Moderator, I believe I can do just as well with banker.

Why do I want this rank?

I want the rank of banker to lend a hand to the imperial bank. I know that it could be a challenge on account of Cheep's demotion, but when I get a rank I am determined to do it right. I would never slack off, and being that I have a different timezone I would be able to achieve more night shifts. I am very easy to get along with, and I have not caused a problem in this HQ before. I love to help others and, even if it is just working at the bank I think that would be magnificent. I believe I would keep the bank strong, and be a great benefit to the imperial bank. Keep in mind I am not the kind of person who wants a rank for the wrong reasons such as a title. If I receive this rank, I promise not to slack off or steal the banks money. I promise to please the bankers and the costumers as well. I promise to do my best in order to keep the Imperial bank up and running strong.


Overall, I believe if I were given the rank of banker I would do it to the best of my ability. I understand most of the qualities of a banker, and I feel that I have most of them such as maturity. I would never let the imperial bank down and I would keep it in tip top shape! I would honestly love to help out in Oldcp a little more, and working in the Imperial bank sounds splendid. I hope you enjoyed this application, and I wish everyone else who applied the best of luck.

Yours Truly,

~ Angi :star:

+1 by Bri , Freddy, tennis, Scott and 2 others

Former Moderator - Master - Friendly user <3
Don't hesitate to come to me if you need anything.

The Great
1,520 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
23rd February 2015, 07:54 PM

Banker Application
Dear Staff members, knights, users, please consider me as a banker to the DSGHQ
DSGHQ Experience

I am a current Imperial knight, current Moth Priest, I'm a former Detective, a current Snaildom Apprentice, and a snaildom Librarian, i was also an OldCP Blogger.

Will you respect others, fellow bankers, and staff?

Yes I will respect them with honnour.

Have you ever commited treason?

Yes, i actually have, once, but I regret it. But it's all good now.

Why do you want this rank?

I want this rank because I want to serve the Imperial bank, and help others if they are asking me how to make a bank account or something like that.

How will you make the Imperial Bank a better place?

I will help others, respect others in the bank. I will protect the gold, i will make sure nobody steals ANY.

Are you at least a forums member?

Yes, i am a forums knight.

Are you willing to work as a Damen Spike Games HQ banker?

Yes, i am willing to work as a dsghq banker.

Thank you so much for reading my banker application, make sure to hit the like or dislike button. I hope i get accepted.

+1 by Tommy0724, lulu2, Freddy, Lion and 2 others

5,478 posts
Seen 29th August 2023
23rd February 2015, 09:29 PM

Angi wrote on 23rd February 2015 07:24 PM:
Banker application


Greetings Tennis, Lord of the bank, and all fellow bankers of the DSGHQ.
Today I will be applying for banker. I have been in this HQ for quite some time to understand the ways of how the ranks work, including banker. I have always had that yearn to help out Cheep and protect the imperial bank, but I was never given the chance to apply until now. I am elated to be given the chance, and possibly join the team of bankers working hard today. So, without further or due, my application.

Username on all websites of the DSGHQ : Angi

Age : Currently 13

Timezone : PST


Do you have a clean history in the DSGHQ? I have never gotten into trouble what so ever in the DSGHQ. As you can see on my forums profile I have zero warnings on the forums, and I have never caused a problem on my Angi account on Oldcp or Snaildom. As a staff member on Oldcp I solve problems, I don't cause them.

Do you have average grammar? I believe my grammar is superb. I rarely have spelling errors unless I am using my tablet, although I rarely use my tablet overall.

Are you well behaved? Being a staff member on Oldcp, that is already one of the requirements. So, personally I feel I am very well behaved setting an example to the users around me.

Are you a member on the DSGHQ Forums? I am currently a Master.

Have you been in this community for at least four months? I have been in this community for almost a year.

Are you willing to work and uphold the standards of the Imperial bank? I am certainly willing to work, and keep in mind that this rank would not interfere with my Moderating duties. I know how to keep two ranks under control, and I feel having past experience I could do that beautifully.


My experience in the DSGHQ is quite a lot. I joined this community in mid April, and I have not left it ever since. In that time since April, I was able to achieve Moderator on Oldcp and Snaildom, detective, Master on forums, and chat Moderator. The first rank I achieved was Moderator, and I have been Moderating Oldcp and Snaildom for months now with discipline, and effort. I have always set an example to the users around me with maturity. I have never gotten demoted for a wrong reason, or caused a problem in the DSGHQ. I have always been a highly active staff member, so I would be great with the shifts I am given in the Imperial bank. I get online Oldcp each day during the end of my school day. I Moderate until it is time for me to go home, do homework, and study. It does not take me a long time necessarily because I am quite smart. If I am not online in a short while I am most likely sudying for a big test coming up or a project due soon. But, in the long run I always find some chance to get online. Regarding the fact that I have reached the requirements for Moderator, I believe I can do just as well with banker.

Why do I want this rank?

I want the rank of banker to lend a hand to the imperial bank. I know that it could be a challenge on account of Cheep's demotion, but when I get a rank I am determined to do it right. I would never slack off, and being that I have a different timezone I would be able to achieve more night shifts. I am very easy to get along with, and I have not caused a problem in this HQ before. I love to help others and, even if it is just working at the bank I think that would be magnificent. I believe I would keep the bank strong, and be a great benefit to the imperial bank. Keep in mind I am not the kind of person who wants a rank for the wrong reasons such as a title. If I receive this rank, I promise not to slack off or steal the banks money. I promise to please the bankers and the costumers as well. I promise to do my best in order to keep the Imperial bank up and running strong.


Overall, I believe if I were given the rank of banker I would do it to the best of my ability. I understand most of the qualities of a banker, and I feel that I have most of them such as maturity. I would never let the imperial bank down and I would keep it in tip top shape! I would honestly love to help out in Oldcp a little more, and working in the Imperial bank sounds splendid. I hope you enjoyed this application, and I wish everyone else who applied the best of luck.

Yours Truly,

~ Angi
She has my recommendation Tennis.

+1 by Angi and Jake01
Hi, I'm Scott.
[DSGHQ Veteran || Senior Captain || Master]

Questions, comments, concerns? Don't hesitate to message me.

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