10th March 2015

Damen Spike talks about OldCP: Please watch!!!

Made by Damen in Announcements

graphic designer
3,098 posts
Seen 30th August 2023
10th March 2015, 09:49 PM

So am I the only one obsessed over the heavy breathing or? idk I'm weird

Anyways thanks for making these videos, Damen! I like how you pointed out that it's just a game, being a moderator isn't all that, and people should just focus on having fun. If people really want to become a moderator, they should participate in many events, and have fun in them, too! Don't be so serious young children, you're all so young, you need to have fun. Being serious is for old people like me, le high schooler. :(

+1 by Augustine, trixie and Sneha

do you feel like a young god
2,287 posts
Seen 14th March 2016
10th March 2015, 09:52 PM

OMG UR accent is almost like mine irl xD dampen I agree. Love UR videos btw

+1 by Damen and trixie

- Former OldCP Moderator - Former Drejk DSGHQ Moderator - Former Forum Master - Former XAT Member - Current Forum Moderator - Kacket House Guard -

42 posts
Seen 16th March 2015
10th March 2015, 09:56 PM

Awesome video! You sound a little bit like Harry Styles. XD

+1 by Damen

Rap Diablo
3,463 posts
Seen 30th September 2022
10th March 2015, 10:08 PM

Cyberwolf wrote on 10th March 2015 06:56 PM:
Maggie said on 10th March 2015 06:36 PM:
Damen, it's a little dissapointing that you have to make a video about people wearing the blindfolds and stuff. People to need to follow the rules, and if they don't I will make them read the rules over and over again until they behave.

The video wasn't really made to scold anyone for misbehaving, it was just made to reassure users that Damen actually does care and that if they have a problem they should send him a message instead of having a fit.

Disliked by accident, I'm on a phone..sorry..

+1 by trixie

991 posts
Seen 8th February 2021
10th March 2015, 10:24 PM

Outstanding post! I got to know you a little bit more! I am pretty young ( 10 years old ) and exploring having fun is all I need. Knight isn't everything to me but if none of my friends are online it keeps me busy! Oldcp is an amazing game and you made ut how YOU want it. I really love the empire stuff.


+1 by trixie and Damen

Thanks Daisy! :)


Thank you Jacks!

Smile :)
363 posts
Seen 14th March 2016
10th March 2015, 11:36 PM

LOL! Damen, if thats you, you look like my friends brother joel. (No offence your face looks nice if thats you)

+1 by Damen

126 posts
Seen 30th January 2021
10th March 2015, 11:50 PM

Nice! I agree and also my youtube channel is Storm WolfX3 I make videos

let's talk! :]

stay blue beautifuls~~

41 posts
Seen 12th March 2016
10th March 2015, 11:55 PM

Thanks for making this post, it touched upon some good issues I think, and you seemed to have opened up in my opinion, and have thus become more relatable and likable.

+1 by Rae, trixie and Damen

14 posts
Seen 19th February 2021
11th March 2015, 12:27 AM

Cyberwolf wrote on 10th March 2015 06:21 PM:
we have the same sweater we're basically twins now

+1 by Rae, Mists, trixie and

cool guy
1,696 posts
Seen 28th July 2022
11th March 2015, 02:15 AM

Finally get to see your face.

+1 by trixie and Sneha

491 posts
Seen 28th November 2021
11th March 2015, 02:55 AM

Nice video emperor Damen!

+1 by trixie and Damen

high thoughts
451 posts
Seen 4th September 2021
11th March 2015, 03:42 AM


P.S..I'm sorry if this post is not necessary or if its weird;I just wanted to tell how I felt when I saw that guy >.< LMAO

+1 by trixie, Damen and Sled

5,463 posts
Seen 11th January 2023
11th March 2015, 03:43 AM

Amazing! I loved OldCP for how it is and every new feature makes it much more fun to play. Thanks for nearly 3-4 beautiful years of OldCP. :)

+1 by Damen and trixie

1,414 posts
Seen 10th February 2022
11th March 2015, 05:41 AM

I am so sorry about everything I said Damen.. I was wrong. Whatever I said was just.. Rude. We, well I was too harsh on you. You really do care for us and our opinions. These videos and how you spoke about it proved it. You make so many changes and stuff.. All for us. And the rules... Are just good. They are absolutely fine. As far as people being too serious about ranks, we really can't blame you. You made ranks so that we could maybe have a certain aim to be something.. And moderators and all to moderate. And yea... You never said or told us to be serious about them, u only said that we should do our job and have fun as well. Though lol I don't know about warlord :P. And I am seriously sorry for have taken part in the opinion war. I can't say anything about other people as I also made a mistake myself.


And I see that you actually tried to make oldcp more fun by adding an empire, and it is fun, but I guess it gets weird when people change along with the system, but it really is the person's choice to change or not. We can not blame the game or you for it.. And I'll be honest, the crimezone and roleplay is really fun. You are an understanding person, and we will always see you as a friend, at least I will from now on, because after all you're one of us and if it weren't for you I guess all of us ppl may have never met and became friends. It was very sweet of you to put it all in a video and explain it to us. This was the first time that watching a video tears did come to my eyes. And as far as I know, I don't have problem with any of the rules. And the people with ranks can take their job seriously... But not having fun is also not a rule. You also care about us and what we say... Otherwise you could have just ignored or banished us from the kingdom if u didn't care. But u listen and understand what we mean.. Ur not at all corrupt BTW. This community, oldcp, and the whole dsghq is unique and different then those cppses. You are also a person who makes this game so special for us, along with other users. And yep, even in sessions or whenever you come, it's never boring. You listen, chat in a fun and cool way rather than being boring and plain.


You have also accepted it if you made a mistake, and always tried to correct it. The trials and stuff have really decreased. I really have no problem about the store and extras gone, I never really cared about such stuff... I only wanted to have fun and I guess that's what all users do. Make friends, hold comps, chat, have fun and not break the rules. And tbh, the medieval party is great, and the thrones room is good as well, just that more memories are there in the office.. But really, both of them can be used. Thrones for sessions, royal stuff and all that and office for comps. I think the real changes have been with the users, but it's their choice. And the jrs are a wonderful and fun thing. And the crimezone was awesome in man opinion, I and I guess most of the users enjoyed it, and were sad to see it go. It's your game, we are no one to tell you what to do and all. I am extremely sorry, and I hope u forgive meh :3

P.s you are totally kawaii, but I can see you're sad :c bee hwappy! ;3


+1 by valentina, Sneha and Damen


1,952 posts
Seen 6th January 2023
11th March 2015, 07:55 AM

That face tho in dat video. O meh gawd. Damen is so ultimate Ultimate Ultimate Ultimately KAWAII!!!!

Anyways back in topic. I really appreciate these understandable videos, you made a big point . Damen, it's very brave of you to step up and share things that are special and respect and share your opinions to us, now i do understand and hopefully all other users of the community understands. Just have fun, thats the point of oldcp. But i don't understand why people hates the empire because the empire is here for the roleplays and exciting moments! These videos i watched was fantastic and made me think.....and think.....and think. I do have rights to share my opinion but not the opinions that are against to the empire, its just too many users and kids just wants mod mod mod mod mod!!! Cant you have fun with other people and your friends not just a rank of mod or knight or pw or princess and other. Just relax and hang out like a normal person does, you focus on business when you are 21 years old. Just hang out with friends not being afk or brb all the time and trying to finish this application and trying to PM a administrator and blah blah blah. Now those things are throw in the trash, now you got a goal, your goal is to NOTbe focus on moderator and go out with your BFF's and bae's.

LETS PARTYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!


+1 by Damen and trixie

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