23rd March 2015

Mod Application-Alexia1000

Made by Unbreakable in Applications

82 posts
Seen 9th March 2016
23rd March 2015, 02:52 PM

Hey guys, my name is Alexia (Lexi). I have been on forums since I believe it was September or August of 2014. I am so excited and happy to do this application. So, Here We Go!!!

Name: Alexia1000

School And Grades

In school I have received many good grades. For next year in 6th grade I have applied for ALA and Advanced Math. Currently I am in a good stage for LA and I have had bunches of essays that I have gotten back with a 3 or 4, in that case it would be an A+.

Knowledge of Being A Moderator

I have never been a moderator before. But I know a lot about being a leader. When ever I am in school I have been asked multiple times to be the leader. If we are doing a project I have been asked to point out the little things in projects, I have been asked to set up the project, and sometimes I have been asked to do the whole project.

Social Life

I am very friendly and social. Whenever a new kids comes to our school I will try to make the new student happy and feel welcomed. I will wave and smile, laugh and talk, ask and answer.
I am not afraid to put myself out in the world.

Kindness and Care

I am thought by many of my friends to be caring and nice. When a kid who is an aid in our school comes into our classroom, everyone will start to laugh. The reason is because I was good friends with this kid along time ago. We have been friends for almost 2 years now. Because of our friendship my friends think that I think of him as more than a friend and I don't. My friends had then spread rumor around about me liking him and now everyone thinks the same. Because he is an aid he passes papers out with information to classes. When ever he comes into our classroom everyone will laugh. One time he came in and the teacher wasn't in the classroom. Everyone started laughing their heads off. At that moment I stood on my chair and said," Stop laughing. Doing that is very disrespectful and not nice. Evan(that is his name) is a human being too. How would you feel if u got laughed at by an entire class?"
Then everyone stopped laughing. I look at him and he mouthed to me a "Thankyou."

Commands I know

Kick, Arrest, Warn, and Ban.

Will I be nice?

Yes. Everyone in OldCp is equal. No one deserves to be treated in a mean way, and no one deserves to be treated like they don't matter.

Do I care About The Fame of Being a Mod?

No. Personally, caring about the fame is just being selfish. I want to help others, not be "famous."

My Top 5 Passions

5.) Reading
4.)Popping ( Dancing to Dubstep)
3.)Listening To Music
2.) Helping Others
1.) Swimming

Thankyou for spending your time to take a look at this application!!!
And for now, That is it.

-Alexia1000s' application for a mod

Calico Rose
1,683 posts
Seen 31st July 2022
23rd March 2015, 03:40 PM

Please read the rules and obey them.
Great detailed application.
I truly enjoyed reading it.
However, you are a Rookie. And this is your first post.
Don't feel upset, I did this too. I just think you need a little more experience with the Forums and possibly OldCP
But hey, I could be wrong. IndigoPalace got mod a month after she joined!! :D

+1 by Unbreakable and Lemonade

1,147 posts
Seen 27th February 2016
23rd March 2015, 07:18 PM

Welcome to DSGHQ!
This is a nice application, It's really one of the best i've seen. But try to get 50 posts and 30 rep before you apply for any rank. Besides that, It's all amazing.
Good luck!


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