29th March 2015, 01:39 PM
center] Welcome to.... Cool Cooper News! #2! Lets jump to it![/center]
I know this was yesterday but our News Reporter Orbay, was promoted to Knight!
Congratulations! - Cooper
xAlliex ( Allie ) is now a News Reporter!! http://prntscr.com/6mv7k8 Congratulations! - Cooper
Ellie is now a News Reporter! http://prntscr.com/6mva48 Congratulations! - Cooper
Sam's rank was changed to Master http://prntscr.com/6mvd9g
Anmoo's rank was changed to Member.
Chelsey's rank was changed to Emperor Helper.
Kris162's rank was changed to Member
Polarmanax is 14 today! 3/29/15 Happy Birthday! - Cooper
Aaaanimal is 15 today! 3/29/15 Happy Birthday! - Cooper
DeskPool is 10 today! 3/29/15 Happy Birthday! - Cooper
XxRosiexX is 12 today! 3/29/15 Happy Birthday! - Cooper
xEmily is 12 today! 3/29/15 Happy Birthday! - Cooper
KittyOlive is 9 today! 3/29/15 Happy Birthday! - Cooper
Today we had ... Idk what it is LOL.. Heres a photo
Player of the Day is......
Lemonade5! Congratulations! - Cooper
I believe that is all today. If there is more I will add onto it!
I know this was yesterday but our News Reporter Orbay, was promoted to Knight!
Congratulations! - Cooper
xAlliex ( Allie ) is now a News Reporter!! http://prntscr.com/6mv7k8 Congratulations! - Cooper
Ellie is now a News Reporter! http://prntscr.com/6mva48 Congratulations! - Cooper
Forums Ranks!
Sam's rank was changed to Master http://prntscr.com/6mvd9g
Anmoo's rank was changed to Member.
Chelsey's rank was changed to Emperor Helper.
Kris162's rank was changed to Member
Polarmanax is 14 today! 3/29/15 Happy Birthday! - Cooper
Aaaanimal is 15 today! 3/29/15 Happy Birthday! - Cooper
DeskPool is 10 today! 3/29/15 Happy Birthday! - Cooper
XxRosiexX is 12 today! 3/29/15 Happy Birthday! - Cooper
xEmily is 12 today! 3/29/15 Happy Birthday! - Cooper
KittyOlive is 9 today! 3/29/15 Happy Birthday! - Cooper
Today we had ... Idk what it is LOL.. Heres a photo
[color=blue Player of the Day!][/color]
Player of the Day is......
Lemonade5! Congratulations! - Cooper
I believe that is all today. If there is more I will add onto it!