5,165 posts
Seen 16th December 2024
26th May 2015, 11:23 AM
The DamenSpike GAMES HQ World Championship is back! Giving the chance for anyone willing to finish off this season's events in a two part tournament on
Part One
Part One will be two games of DamenBall Soccer at the DamenBall Stadium on OldCP. /jr damenball
Part Two
Part Two will be two games of a Snowball Deathmatch on OldCP's White Out snowball server.
We have already seen some remarkable achievements THIS SEASON from players -
- Chex for winning the Game of Mods again!
- Hashir for becoming Warden of Minecraft
- Roberto for ruling the Empire in my stead
- and more...
If you think you have achieved enough this season, invest your final efforts at the DSGHQ WCI.
Event Information
Date Friday 29th May 2015
Soccer Game 1 at 4:30 PM EST / 9:30 PM UK / 1:30 PM PST
Soccer Game 2 at 5:10 PM EST / 10:10 PM UK / 2:10 PM PST
Deathmatch Game 3 at 5:30 PM EST / 10:30 PM UK / 2:30 PM PST
Deathmatch Final at 5:50 PM EST / 10:50 PM UK / 2:50 PM PST
The person that scores the most goals and most kills in the games will become the World Champion.
Current World Champion
Sir Bp28 is the current Champion. He can compete again.
To win the DSGHQ World Champion Title this Spring, you must have a forum account and a good reputation and clean ban report.
If you do not have these requirements but you STILL WIN the matches, then the immediate person behind you on the scoreboard that DOES reach these requirements will win instead.
It is recommended that if you HAVE achieved some great goals this season, that you COME ALONG and play in the Championship.
Global World Champion out of the players on the DamenSpike GAMES HQ & Official Champion clothing apparel & title & badge.
1,027 posts
Seen 6th September 2020
26th May 2015, 11:49 AM
Exciting! This aswell as Moderator Competitions are adventurous seasonal events which bring lots of competitiveness and awareness to the community. Good luck to all who are competing in death matches and damenball, and good job to those who have achieved much this season and ongoing seasons. This will be fun!
The POTM Legend
917 posts
Seen 6th July 2022
26th May 2015, 01:47 PM
This seems amazing! I really want to compete this year, I am so excited that this season I will actually be able to compete along with all the other users. I will see everyone there in the first match of soccer! Just saying, this is where I won Snaildom moderator. Woo so excited.
McKinlee Ren
Certified Nick Foles Fan
1,076 posts
Seen 19th April 2020