28th June 2015

Maniac's News #2

Made by CPManiac in News

1,027 posts
Seen 6th September 2020
28th June 2015, 02:18 PM

Hey there! Welcome to my second news report; I've been tired so I haven't really had enough energy to have a type session. Anyways, a lot of promotions and demotions happened this week, so that will be the main topic.


Redemption is basically where users vote on each staff member to see if they would like them to stay as their rank or be demoted. The only people that are not included in this are royalty and few exceptions such as Roberto and soon to be Administrators.

The only Administrator decision made was for Hashir, and he was promoted back to Admin since he was demoted the day before. Other decisions included all Moderators. I would not like to list all of them, but the ones that were demoted. These were Sled and Mckinlee which were both demoted for inactivity. Basically, they were both replaced by a user vote. There were candidates were chosen by Damen and users; whoever got the most votes for yes got the position. Here were the results:

There were also others that were promoted to Moderator; these were not replacements. Sting and ZingCPAWM were promoted to Moderator. Sting is a former Moderator who had resigned in late 2014, but was promoted again by the choice of the users. He has been here since either 2012 or 2013; I truly cannot remember. Another Moderator that was promoted was Sadie. She has been here since 2013, and also was a former Moderator. Both are very responsible and creative, and I can't wait to see them in action again.

Also, there were a few knights that were promoted. This was lead by the decision of the users aswell, and here was the result.

Sammeh/Sampopxxx101 was promoted to Knight.
Milkshake9 was promoted to Knight.
ZingCPAWM was promoted to Knight. (He was promoted to Moderator the next day)

All of these people are new knights, meaning they have not been one before. Sam held the rank of Wise before this, but had resigned. I believe Sam and Milkshake will make lovely knights, and I wish good luck upon Zing as he continues his path as a Moderator. A few days back, Kara was promoted to knight which was unrelated to the Redemption and promotions. I congratulate her so much; you know ily Kara ^o^ Ah! Thanks for reminding me Milkshake; Sled after being demoted from Moderator was promoted to knight. Sled was a Moderator Competition winner, and has been here since 2013. Congratulations to him aswell.

Forums Promotions

There were many Forums promotions aswell; here they are:

Knights: Sam, Kara, and Milkshake9

Moderators: Jesse

Wise: iMoose/Viking

Forums News

The house 'Spike' was changed to house Drake; the symbol and phrase are still the same and it is still open to the Spike family such as Damen's siblings, adopted members, etc. More information is in this post: http://forums.damenspike.com/view/44789/

In other news, the newly changed house is holding a Gold Competition sponsored by the Imperial Bank. This will basically just be a fun get-together where members of a house can work together in order to earn a prize worth lots of gold. For more information, look at this post: http://forums.damenspike.com/view/44806/

This week, there wasn't too much excitement, just lots of promotions and changes. I'll be seeing you on Thursday which will be when I will be making my next News Report; if you would like to suggest a News Report name for me; I'd love to hear your suggestions. Bye now!

+1 by Bailey, Night, Sam , 1Alice1 and 4 others

5,127 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
28th June 2015, 02:23 PM

Amazing news report, Maniac! I always look forward to reading your posts, because they're so dang good! c;

Ask me for help!
697 posts
Seen 5th March 2016
28th June 2015, 02:27 PM

Excellent news report Maniac. My name suggestion for your news should be "The DSGHQ Times with Maniac".


"The difference between Ordinary and Extraordinary is just the little Extra"

find comfort in the chaos
796 posts
Seen 6th June 2022
28th June 2015, 03:39 PM

Excellent news report! You are an amazing News Reporter. Keep up the great work :D

The POTM Legend
917 posts
Seen 6th July 2022
28th June 2015, 04:26 PM

I cry lol, but great news report!

McKinlee Ren

News Reporter
4,301 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
28th June 2015, 04:37 PM

Awesome job, Maniac! I was a former moderator. A Knight, for 3 days. Detective. Was here since 2013. Why nah me? :3

1,349 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
28th June 2015, 06:19 PM

Wonderful news! Thank you for all the lovely compliments.You make a wonderful News Reporter. Congratulations to the promoters.I was astonished about the demotions.Also, Maniac Sled become knight! After the demotion.

Below are the only pictures of mine that remain from the past..

http://i339.photobucket.com/albums/n463/textspace/lcd/lcd_7.swf?w=400&h=46&c=1&spd=2&b=2&t=Imperial Knight]quality=high wmode=transparent width=400 height=46[/flash]

Hey! Check out my Imperial Knight Application! Link:

Thank you, Glimmer! It's awesome!


Thanks, Mal! It's fab, like you!

Lemon, from now and on I will ask you to make the pixel letters! :D

Thanks for visiting.. come again! <3

54 posts
Seen 3rd July 2015
28th June 2015, 06:44 PM

Outstanding job for news reporting Manaic!

14 posts
Seen 30th June 2015
28th June 2015, 07:07 PM

This isn't good. This is amazing! Wow, Maniac! Keep up the great work! :)


235 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
28th June 2015, 09:53 PM

Very good indeed :d

1,253 posts
Seen 30th June 2023
29th June 2015, 10:33 AM

Read the whole thing. That's what a News Report is supposed to do. Suck you in. Amazing news report, as always, Maniac! :D

OldCP Wise One
PM me if you need any help!

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