1,014 posts
Seen 13th November 2015
18th July 2015, 10:28 PM
I forgot the debate category.
Should we have violence on OldCP?
Let's debate mk.
Why no? Simple
Define "kids site" for me.
Then, define violence.
Kids and violence don't mix. I don't want kids to come on here and think shooting people is fun. Ever heard of the twelve year old who hurt a kid because they felt inspired by Slender?
What would happen if a kid hurt someone because they felt inspired by OldCP?
That would ruin Damen's reputation.
Secondly, shootings are bad, and we have a lot of shootings on this game. Killing accounts, guns, blood, stuff like that shouldn't be on kids games. Do we want to scare children?
I like this game okay? But really, we don't need violence to make an entertaining game.
- Choc
Should we have violence on OldCP?
Let's debate mk.
Why no? Simple
Define "kids site" for me.
Then, define violence.
Kids and violence don't mix. I don't want kids to come on here and think shooting people is fun. Ever heard of the twelve year old who hurt a kid because they felt inspired by Slender?
What would happen if a kid hurt someone because they felt inspired by OldCP?
That would ruin Damen's reputation.
Secondly, shootings are bad, and we have a lot of shootings on this game. Killing accounts, guns, blood, stuff like that shouldn't be on kids games. Do we want to scare children?
I like this game okay? But really, we don't need violence to make an entertaining game.
- Choc
My name is Choc. Just a person who likes Minecraft and MLG parodies.
I wish to become an animator one day.
always rekt the loominaty, even bill cipher. he's the main one.
2,542 posts
Seen 30th August 2023
1,014 posts
Seen 13th November 2015
18th July 2015, 10:35 PM
Wend wrote on 18th July 2015 10:33 PM:
No, because I think apple pie is simply amazing.
My name is Choc. Just a person who likes Minecraft and MLG parodies.
I wish to become an animator one day.
always rekt the loominaty, even bill cipher. he's the main one.
2,542 posts
Seen 30th August 2023