23rd July 2015

Royal Mandate [Please Read]

Made by tennis in Announcements

277 posts
Seen 29th August 2015
24th July 2015, 02:57 AM

Ya I might be at moth preist trials but saturdays i sleep in until 12:30 Texas time D: :( D: :(

Having a great life since i was born

Rap Diablo
3,463 posts
Seen 30th September 2022
24th July 2015, 07:22 AM

Bailey wrote on 23rd July 2015 08:19 PM:
I can't wait for the Moth Priest Trials. Time to see who will be the next Moth Priest. Tennis, you will do great as Emperor Regent.

Nobody will if I can get in that arena again >:)

+1 by Jacobg627, Bailey and fox

it was only hypothetical
6,414 posts
Seen 25th August 2023
24th July 2015, 08:13 AM

Wow! Many important info....
Congratulations, Tennis!


Sweet memories

5,478 posts
Seen 29th August 2023
24th July 2015, 12:00 PM

Sounds fantastic Harrison, I too hope these two weeks go by nicely.

+1 by Bailey
Hi, I'm Scott.
[DSGHQ Veteran || Senior Captain || Master]

Questions, comments, concerns? Don't hesitate to message me.

♪ ♫ ♪
2,958 posts
Seen 30th December 2020
24th July 2015, 01:17 PM

I know the moth priest trials will be exciting, hopefully it will run well without interruptions. I hope that you do well as regent, and that you will make some improvements if possible. I can't wait for the future as always!

+1 by Bailey

The Wicked Boss
466 posts
Seen 28th February 2016
24th July 2015, 04:29 PM

Tennis wrote on 23rd July 2015 08:16 PM:
In case you didn't hear, Damen is going to be busy attending important business matters for two weeks. Until he returns I have been named the Emperor Regent and will rule alongside Empress Chelsey Drake.

There are a few important matters we need to knockout ASAP so let's get started. To make this post more organized I have put each matter in its own spoiler. Feel free to read the whole post but if a section applies to you please read it.

Dead Ranked Users
Spoiler HideIf you are ranked on OldCP and have died... please can contact an Administrator to get your rank back. However, you must provide proof (a pm from your forum account counts) you are who you say you are and have a secure password on your new account (preferably a password only used on DSGHQ games/services). Admins, it's on you to check for these two things before promoting someone. If, by some small chance, you get promoted by an administrator and have an insecure password you will be demoted. If you are a Brother of the Penguin Watch contact me to be re-promoted. Once I make sure you are an actual brother Mckinlee will restore your rank.

Knight Evaluations
Spoiler HideAs Imperial Knights are a very important part of the Empire, especially during a time as war such as we are in now, Knights Captain Sir Cysero and Retired Captain Sir Bp28 will be evaluating every Imperial Knight. If they feel that a person is not fit for Knight that person will have their rank considered by Chelsey or myself and might be demoted. Knights, contact Cysero and Bp28 and find a time for your evaluation. Note: If a Knight loses their rank on OldCP they will lose it on the forums too, however users with the rank of Knight on the forum but not on OldCP will not be evaluated.

Moth Priest Trials
Spoiler ShowThis Saturday, July 25th at 11am EST // 4pm UK there will be a Moth Priest Trials. What is a Moth Priest Trial? It's where users compete to become Moth Priests. There will be a series of tasks and the two best users will be promoted to Moth Priest. If you want to be a Moth Priest make sure to attend this event.

Council of the Rank #3
Spoiler ShowNext Saturday, August 1st, at 12pm noon EST // 9am PST // 5pm UK we will be having our third Council of the Rank. I need to know the in-game Mod Rep, Forum Mod Rep, Knight Rep, Wise Rep and Master Rep before then. Each rank is responsible for picking their own representative. When a representative is picked mail me their name. The three invited guests will be chosen later. More information on the council of the rank here: http://forums.damenspike.com/view/?id=43522

SwfCrate JR Channel Maker
Spoiler ShowThe SWFCrate JR Channel Maker is now fixed so Administrators will be approving channels again. Keep an eye out for JR Channels you created appearing on OldCP!

I hope you guys enjoy the next two weeks. Feel free to come to me with any issues, questions, comments and concerns.

- Emperor Regent Tennis Stags.

Hmm, Okay. Good Luck!

Unknown Yet..

Its Kinda Fun To Do The Impossible
602 posts
Seen 12th March 2016
24th July 2015, 10:08 PM

Cool.I'm wondering how would it feel 2 be dead but i don't want 2 know.

Just listen the song electric angel by Rin & Len

1,652 posts
Seen 30th July 2022
24th July 2015, 10:09 PM

I will be competing the the Moth Priest Trials. I have experience with this, and I will not let anybody down this time. ;3

41 posts
Seen 13th September 2015
25th July 2015, 05:18 AM

Tennis wrote on 23rd July 2015 08:16 PM:
In case you didn't hear, Damen is going to be busy attending important business matters for two weeks. Until he returns I have been named the Emperor Regent and will rule alongside Empress Chelsey Drake.

There are a few important matters we need to knockout ASAP so let's get started. To make this post more organized I have put each matter in its own spoiler. Feel free to read the whole post but if a section applies to you please read it.

Dead Ranked Users
Spoiler ShowIf you are ranked on OldCP and have died... please can contact an Administrator to get your rank back. However, you must provide proof (a pm from your forum account counts) you are who you say you are and have a secure password on your new account (preferably a password only used on DSGHQ games/services). Admins, it's on you to check for these two things before promoting someone. If, by some small chance, you get promoted by an administrator and have an insecure password you will be demoted. If you are a Brother of the Penguin Watch contact me to be re-promoted. Once I make sure you are an actual brother Mckinlee will restore your rank.

Knight Evaluations
Spoiler ShowAs Imperial Knights are a very important part of the Empire, especially during a time as war such as we are in now, Knights Captain Sir Cysero and Retired Captain Sir Bp28 will be evaluating every Imperial Knight. If they feel that a person is not fit for Knight that person will have their rank considered by Chelsey or myself and might be demoted. Knights, contact Cysero and Bp28 and find a time for your evaluation. Note: If a Knight loses their rank on OldCP they will lose it on the forums too, however users with the rank of Knight on the forum but not on OldCP will not be evaluated.

Moth Priest Trials
Spoiler HideThis Saturday, July 25th at 11am EST // 4pm UK there will be a Moth Priest Trials. What is a Moth Priest Trial? It's where users compete to become Moth Priests. There will be a series of tasks and the two best users will be promoted to Moth Priest. If you want to be a Moth Priest make sure to attend this event.

Council of the Rank #3
Spoiler ShowNext Saturday, August 1st, at 12pm noon EST // 9am PST // 5pm UK we will be having our third Council of the Rank. I need to know the in-game Mod Rep, Forum Mod Rep, Knight Rep, Wise Rep and Master Rep before then. Each rank is responsible for picking their own representative. When a representative is picked mail me their name. The three invited guests will be chosen later. More information on the council of the rank here: http://forums.damenspike.com/view/?id=43522

SwfCrate JR Channel Maker
Spoiler HideThe SWFCrate JR Channel Maker is now fixed so Administrators will be approving channels again. Keep an eye out for JR Channels you created appearing on OldCP!

I hope you guys enjoy the next two weeks. Feel free to come to me with any issues, questions, comments and concerns.

- Emperor Regent Tennis Stags.

thankyou for letting us know,lord Tennis! i am going to attend the moth priest trial for sure! :)

8 posts
Seen 22nd February 2016
30th July 2015, 07:18 PM

What does it mean "in a time of war"? Forgive me for not staying updated on the events of the DSG Empire.

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