31st July 2015

Forum Moderator Application

Made by CoffeeCow in Applications

838 posts
Seen 7th July 2023
31st July 2015, 01:00 AM

Greetings Users of the DSGHQ Community

In this post, I'll be sharing my application for the position, Forums Moderator.


Greetings. :)
As you may or may not know, I am Cowffee Dawn Rose. Currently, I am fourteen years of age, fifteen in a few months. I've joined the DSGHQ community since September 7th of 2014 on my account named, "CoffeeCow." My first account named, "Loullipop," was introduced to the community on July 1st of 2014. After Loullipop, CoffeeCow was introduced next. On that account, I've achieved many ranks. The ranks will be listed after the introduction. Unfortunately, CoffeeCow died on OldCP due to the incident at the town. As of today, I am named, "Cowffee," on OldCP.


As I said before, I've made many achievements since months ago. On April 23rd of 2014, I got promoted to the rank which is named, Imperial Knight. A few days later, I got the position of, Party Guard. A few weeks later, I've earned the position of, Radio Show Helper and XAT Moderator.A few months later, June 10th, I've got ranked to the position of, OldCP Moderator.

Reason to Apply

Ever since I've joined in the community, I've wanted to help out. In order to start out, people has suggested me to wait for months before applying. After a few months, my dream came true of helping out people and making them smile. I wish to continue this growth by becoming more involved with Forums. Of course, being an Imperial Knight on Forums makes me involved. Since becoming one, I have felt like I wasn't full on to the community. I want to challenge myself and believe that I can handle the pressure.

Another reason besides being involved into the community more is because I wish to protect not only OldCP but Forums too. By doing this, I will be making sure that the posts and moods are appropriate for our viewers to see. I believe that OldCP and Forums are both important websites for the community. For one thing, Forums keeps us updated with the latest news and announcements. For another thing, Forums is a way where users can share out their creative ideas and suggestions to make the community a better place. Forums is a place where users can share their opinions and their fun times with their peers. By helping out with this website, I wish to make the users have their entertainment in a safe way.


In under my own will, I promise to be...

~ Active
~ Considerate of Opinions
~ Follow the Rules
~ Respect Others
~ Help Others to Those Who are New
~ Answer Questions
~ Be Honest to Others
~ Focus


To conclude this application, I would like to summarize what I've written. The following reasons of becoming a Forums Moderator is to become more involved in the community, try out a new challenge, and to protect younger children from exposure of anything which is inappropriate. In under my own will, I wish to promise what has been listen above this topic. As my final sentence, I hope that you take this into consideration.

Thank you for viewing my application. I will be open to opinions and feedback. :)

~ Cowffee Dawn Rose

+1 by DreamBurst, Cristal, TutiFruity, alexa and 19 others

hot eyebrows
1,101 posts
Seen 1st June 2023
31st July 2015, 01:09 AM

Wow! Great application Cowffee <3 Your a great Oldcp moderator so I am sure you will be a great Forums Moderator good luck <3

+1 by CoffeeCow

10 posts
Seen 18th October 2015
31st July 2015, 01:21 AM

What a wonderful application! :) I love it! <3 I wish to see you as a future forums moderator. :D

+1 by Milkshake and CoffeeCow

Snaildom King
352 posts
Seen 22nd July 2020
31st July 2015, 02:44 AM

This is a great app i defiantly think you deserve Fromus mod

+1 by CoffeeCow

1,349 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
31st July 2015, 02:58 AM

One of the best applications, I have seen. I know you will get the rank.

TutiFruity wrote on 31st July 2015 01:21 AM:
What a wonderful application! I love it! I wish to see you as a future forums moderator.

Hi Sis! :) Love ya! :D

+1 by CoffeeCow and George
Below are the only pictures of mine that remain from the past..

http://i339.photobucket.com/albums/n463/textspace/lcd/lcd_7.swf?w=400&h=46&c=1&spd=2&b=2&t=Imperial Knight]quality=high wmode=transparent width=400 height=46[/flash]

Hey! Check out my Imperial Knight Application! Link:

Thank you, Glimmer! It's awesome!


Thanks, Mal! It's fab, like you!

Lemon, from now and on I will ask you to make the pixel letters! :D

Thanks for visiting.. come again! <3

OG ?
1,498 posts
Seen 30th August 2023
31st July 2015, 04:27 AM

Great moderator application. Good luck!

+1 by CoffeeCow

340 posts
Seen 23rd October 2015
31st July 2015, 07:51 AM

Hello Cowfee. I can see you spent a lot of time on this application. I really liked it. I hope you see you as a future moderator. Good luck!

+1 by CoffeeCow

The Great
1,520 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
31st July 2015, 09:39 AM


+1 by CoffeeCow

5,127 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
31st July 2015, 10:10 AM

This application is truly spectacular, Coffee. You definitely deserve to be a Forum Moderator. You are active, helpful, dedicated, kind, and have good spelling and grammar. Good luck on getting the rank. :)

+1 by CoffeeCow

night cruising
2,329 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
31st July 2015, 11:45 AM

Coffee, you truly deserve Forum Moderator and I can see you now as one. Best wishes, Coffee, I know you will get it soon! :star: <3

+1 by CoffeeCow and Bailey

The POTM Legend
917 posts
Seen 6th July 2022
31st July 2015, 12:11 PM

AHHH! What an amazing application! I really hope that you achieve this rank, you are already a great moderator, and I know you will be a fabulous forums moderator! Best wishes Lou! Ily <3

+1 by CoffeeCow
McKinlee Ren

total trash
3,372 posts
Seen 14th March 2016
2nd August 2015, 10:11 PM

CoffeeCow wrote on 31st July 2015 01:00 AM:
Greetings Users of the DSGHQ Community

In this post, I'll be sharing my application for the position, Forums Moderator.


As you may or may not know, I am Cowffee Dawn Rose. Currently, I am fourteen years of age, fifteen in a few months. I've joined the DSGHQ community since September 7th of 2014 on my account named, "CoffeeCow." My first account named, "Loullipop," was introduced to the community on July 1st of 2014. After Loullipop, CoffeeCow was introduced next. On that account, I've achieved many ranks. The ranks will be listed after the introduction. Unfortunately, CoffeeCow died on OldCP due to the incident at the town. As of today, I am named, "Cowffee," on OldCP.


As I said before, I've made many achievements since months ago. On April 23rd of 2014, I got promoted to the rank which is named, Imperial Knight. A few days later, I got the position of, Party Guard. A few weeks later, I've earned the position of, Radio Show Helper and XAT Moderator.A few months later, June 10th, I've got ranked to the position of, OldCP Moderator.

Reason to Apply

Ever since I've joined in the community, I've wanted to help out. In order to start out, people has suggested me to wait for months before applying. After a few months, my dream came true of helping out people and making them smile. I wish to continue this growth by becoming more involved with Forums. Of course, being an Imperial Knight on Forums makes me involved. Since becoming one, I have felt like I wasn't full on to the community. I want to challenge myself and believe that I can handle the pressure.

Another reason besides being involved into the community more is because I wish to protect not only OldCP but Forums too. By doing this, I will be making sure that the posts and moods are appropriate for our viewers to see. I believe that OldCP and Forums are both important websites for the community. For one thing, Forums keeps us updated with the latest news and announcements. For another thing, Forums is a way where users can share out their creative ideas and suggestions to make the community a better place. Forums is a place where users can share their opinions and their fun times with their peers. By helping out with this website, I wish to make the users have their entertainment in a safe way.


In under my own will, I promise to be...

~ Active
~ Considerate of Opinions
~ Follow the Rules
~ Respect Others
~ Help Others to Those Who are New
~ Answer Questions
~ Be Honest to Others
~ Focus


To conclude this application, I would like to summarize what I've written. The following reasons of becoming a Forums Moderator is to become more involved in the community, try out a new challenge, and to protect younger children from exposure of anything which is inappropriate. In under my own will, I wish to promise what has been listen above this topic. As my final sentence, I hope that you take this into consideration.

Thank you for viewing my application. I will be open to opinions and feedback.

~ Cowffee Dawn Rose


+1 by CoffeeCow

51 posts
Seen 2nd March 2016
3rd August 2015, 09:57 AM

Good luck on becoming a forums moderator! :)

+1 by CoffeeCow

664 posts
Seen 9th October 2015
10th August 2015, 06:13 PM

You deserve this rank! It was such an amazing application! GOOD LUCK :D

~Rosie :star:

+1 by CoffeeCow

Holy Pickles!

Christina Perri is my life

714 posts
Seen 13th March 2016
10th August 2015, 06:14 PM

CoffeeCow wrote on 31st July 2015 01:00 AM:
Greetings Users of the DSGHQ Community

In this post, I'll be sharing my application for the position, Forums Moderator.


As you may or may not know, I am Cowffee Dawn Rose. Currently, I am fourteen years of age, fifteen in a few months. I've joined the DSGHQ community since September 7th of 2014 on my account named, "CoffeeCow." My first account named, "Loullipop," was introduced to the community on July 1st of 2014. After Loullipop, CoffeeCow was introduced next. On that account, I've achieved many ranks. The ranks will be listed after the introduction. Unfortunately, CoffeeCow died on OldCP due to the incident at the town. As of today, I am named, "Cowffee," on OldCP.


As I said before, I've made many achievements since months ago. On April 23rd of 2014, I got promoted to the rank which is named, Imperial Knight. A few days later, I got the position of, Party Guard. A few weeks later, I've earned the position of, Radio Show Helper and XAT Moderator.A few months later, June 10th, I've got ranked to the position of, OldCP Moderator.

Reason to Apply

Ever since I've joined in the community, I've wanted to help out. In order to start out, people has suggested me to wait for months before applying. After a few months, my dream came true of helping out people and making them smile. I wish to continue this growth by becoming more involved with Forums. Of course, being an Imperial Knight on Forums makes me involved. Since becoming one, I have felt like I wasn't full on to the community. I want to challenge myself and believe that I can handle the pressure.

Another reason besides being involved into the community more is because I wish to protect not only OldCP but Forums too. By doing this, I will be making sure that the posts and moods are appropriate for our viewers to see. I believe that OldCP and Forums are both important websites for the community. For one thing, Forums keeps us updated with the latest news and announcements. For another thing, Forums is a way where users can share out their creative ideas and suggestions to make the community a better place. Forums is a place where users can share their opinions and their fun times with their peers. By helping out with this website, I wish to make the users have their entertainment in a safe way.


In under my own will, I promise to be...

~ Active
~ Considerate of Opinions
~ Follow the Rules
~ Respect Others
~ Help Others to Those Who are New
~ Answer Questions
~ Be Honest to Others
~ Focus


To conclude this application, I would like to summarize what I've written. The following reasons of becoming a Forums Moderator is to become more involved in the community, try out a new challenge, and to protect younger children from exposure of anything which is inappropriate. In under my own will, I wish to promise what has been listen above this topic. As my final sentence, I hope that you take this into consideration.

Thank you for viewing my application. I will be open to opinions and feedback.

~ Cowffee Dawn Rose
I think you will make an awesome forums mod! :D i really hope that you become a forums mod!! :)

~<3 Some say I changed, but I like to say its just the real me.. <3~

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