21st January 2016

[PW] Hiring More Brothers

Made by Kara in Announcements

147 posts
Seen 29th January 2019
21st January 2016, 09:53 PM

Penguin Watch Application ~ Alexa

Username: alexaxo (on OldCP)

Timezone: EST

Age: 12

Activity: I am normally on 7-10 PM on weekdays when very few to no mods are on and up to 6 hours on the weekends. I can always go on mobile for a special event if necessary. Also, basketball season is ending soon so my free time will expand greatly.

Why i want this rank: I would love to show my abilities to the community. If I earn the opportunity, I will take the responsibility and try to get on more to help the community. I will use my powers responsibly and wisely.

Time: I will be here for a year on February 22nd. I have learned many things throughout the months.

Thank you for reading and I hope you consider my application. I will take this very seriously and will be ecstatic to serve the DSGHQ.

543 posts
Seen 17th January 2019
22nd January 2016, 12:52 AM

Hi,My name is Mal31.I am applying for Watch Brother

Experience: I was a War Knight in the Djinn War.I have experience with Firearm+Sword.I am also Administrator on a cpps.

Reasons: I feel like moderation is most important in this community.There are rule breakers and so much more.I want to prove my abilities and special qualifications.I want to protect this community,because when it gets harmed,I am finding the resolution that is good for everyone,even if it means being banned or worse.I would do anything,to keep this community from harm.

Maturity: I try to be mature as possible.Most kids my age are immature and act like they're Two years old,that's not me.Like most Ten year olds,I like to be funny and just enjoy life.When it's time to get serious,it's time to get serious.When we are in war,I try my best to stay calm and mature.
I will stay undercover at all times.I will go privately to do my business."Never reveal,always conceal" :)

Timezone: My timezone is EST.Yet,I can be online until 6 am if you want me.I can do all night on weekends and 12-1 am on weekdays mostly.I can also attend any meetings or private sessions.

Patience: I can be as patient as possible.I never bother to see how much longer or something.If you want me to patient,I can be as patient as you want me to be.
In conclusion,I would like to hear any feedback and as much as possible.I would love to hear what I need to improve in as well.
Thank you for reading,

+1 by Ash and Kara
Adventure Awaits....

1,952 posts
Seen 6th January 2023
22nd January 2016, 02:07 AM

Good luck to the people who are applying!

+1 by Ganji

557 posts
Seen 20th August 2023
22nd January 2016, 06:13 AM

I'd apply, but I'm always super duper excited about everything so yeah.

+1 by Ganji

243 posts
Seen 14th March 2016
22nd January 2016, 08:20 AM

I wonder who will get the job because the applications were awesome!!!!

+1 by Ganji

3,733 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
22nd January 2016, 10:42 AM

Timezone: EST ( On most of the day tough)

Open schedule: I usually do, and if i don't i will notify one of the captains.

Patience: Yes, i am very patient, i have been a Mod before.

Mature: I am mature, sometimes i like having too much fun, but i can be very mature.

+1 by Ganji

ao3 fanatic
697 posts
Seen 30th January 2023
22nd January 2016, 11:37 AM


My Timezone is UK, Thank god.

Randomly added this in.

If I become PW,
  • I'll be mature and active more.

I have been keeping an eye out on oldcp.biz and forums.
I also have stopped fights.

Just a short simple application.)

+1 by valentina

1,887 posts
Seen 30th August 2023
22nd January 2016, 01:02 PM


Misty (formerly MistyWolf)



What is your timezone?


Have you ever been a Penguin Watch before?

Yes, and before you jump in and claim I'm blowing my cover, I was actually a former PW CAPTAIN, before getting demoted from acting too immaturely (but that was kind of my fault for being trusted with a high rank only 3 months after joining DSGHQ :/). I've definitely matured a lot, and I believe I can give PW a second shot. :) (unintentional rhyme)

How active are you?

I'm usually on for 1-2 hour(s) a day. (due to the fact that I'm using a shared computer)

Are you mature?

Most of the time. 50/50.

Are you patient?

Yeah, of course I am!

Why else do you want to be a Brother of the Watch?

As I've mentioned earlier, I was a former Penguin Watch Captain, so considering that you can never leave the watch once you're employed, I'll take this opportunity to become a Penguin Watch once again. :)


Thanks for reading, and I hope I'll be trusted with this rank once again! :)


how many times have i even said penguin watch

+1 by valentina
* play gitaroo man. my final message. gootbye.

1,137 posts
Seen 14th August 2023
22nd January 2016, 01:54 PM


Here you go, sorry if this is a double post, I can't see my other.

347 posts
Seen 19th July 2023
22nd January 2016, 02:17 PM

~ Misteh
~ Mistah

Preferred Name (To Be Called)
~ Kitty
~ Mist

~ 16
~ (17 in July, that isn't really needed though)

~ Member (until this forums was back)
~ Moderators on different games
~ Trusted

Would I Leak?
~ No I will not leak.
~ If I did leak I would accept the punishment


Desired Rank
~ PW Brother

Would I Abuse?
~ No I will not Abuse, but if I did, I would accept the punishment (which is probably large)

Will I Leak PW Brother Positions?
~ No I will not.

~ Yes I am active!
~ I stay on later on a Friday and the weekend.

~ Yes I am Patient

~ I am Mature, even know sometimes I may joke around.

I hope you have enjoyed my PW Brother Application!
Have a great year and life everybody
~ Misteh

+1 by sans

1,827 posts
Seen 19th May 2023
23rd January 2016, 10:55 AM

I would like you to take the time to read this quick application.

Details and Experience:
My username is Pickle1020, forums and game and I'm 14 years old.
I had experience in a forum moderator, moderated few other CPPS' and moderated the oldcp chats.
My timezone is UK/GMT.

My reasons I wanted to join is because I have capability of the following commitments as a brother of the PW. I understand that as a brother of the PW, you must not reveal your secret abilities / identity unless you are a captain, you must always try to stop the rule-breakers by kicking 3 times, banning 3 times, ipban once (ask for permission first). I know that you must act like a very responsible moderator and never leave the PW. I also wanted to join because I must stop rule-breakers from hacking, swearing etc.
Furthermore, I am very active and will never beg for a promotion unless asked to be promoted. In addition, I could help in the crimezone.

What I know I must do:
Once a brother, always a brother. You can never leave the PW once you are employed.

Always undercover. A brother of the PW must never reveal their abilities to others. If their cover is blown, they will be sentenced to death and may never gain a rank again.

Captains of the PW can reveal their position in the Penguin Watch, but undercover brothers must never ask for this promotion.

Online 3 times per week, 10 minutes each. A brother of the PW must commit to the minimum online time. If this is betrayed their rank will be stolen.

Penguin Watch members at times of distress on OldCP, perhaps a crisis to do with the Crime Office, will be entrusted with a firearm. Firearm rules apply to these members.

Fight against bullies, you do not need to judge according to the individual rules like moderators, you can kick a bully if you think they are being mean.

Thanks for you for reading my application.

sir Pickle1020

+1 by Kara

153 posts
Seen 1st November 2022
23rd January 2016, 11:16 AM





I joined in the late 2014 and had a really nice experience so I continued playing here. I know the rules very well and never broke any rule. I know the staff and I'm a trusted user as well. I'm also helpful and very polite to new users.I made friends here and I enjoy playing here.

Are you active?
I'm active like 3-8 hours and I will not be inactive without any notice. I also report bad and rude users while I'm active. I attend trivia and fun games too.

Are you patient?
Well, I'm patient but sometimes really excited.

Did you ever had a rank before?
No, this is my first try and I have attempted to be a mod before too. I was in mod competetion.

Are you mature?
Yes, I am.

Would you leak information?
No, never! Why would I do that?

Would I abuse?
No, Of course no. Even if did that, I'ill be ready for the punishment.

Why do you wanna be a brother of penguin watch?
Because I will stay on what I say and I think I will be worthy and well deserving for it.
Thanks for reading!

| Friends |
| Heygirl | Baffed | Bailey | Riley | Savveh | MNM21 | Poolpie | LemmyLime | Arona | Anna | Sparka | Ollo | Malorie | Saber | Dopesir |
This is not in any particular order

Coolest LOTB Ever
388 posts
Seen 27th June 2023
23rd January 2016, 11:54 AM

Name? Papachis (irl and in game)

Rank? Pw (brother/s)

Age- 14

Timezone - uk right now (but in a few months I will move to arizona

Active? I'm active almost everyday

Patient? Of course I am ^-^

Maturity- Yes I can handle events through out the game (i'm also in age maturity )

Why do you want it? I have always wanted to help people in game ^-^ and now is one of my big chance

I am rank 6 on forums and have the silver star so I have been here for about a year now ^-^

I swear I will never tell any secrets of the PW and if I ever do(I never will) My penalty will be death

Power abuse- NO! NO! AND NO! I will never abuse my powers (if we get any) ;-;...

CP user- Papachis

New User!
19 posts
Seen 7th February 2016
23rd January 2016, 02:52 PM

Kara Kacket wrote on 21st January 2016 12:52 PM:
Hello, welcome back to the forums! I'm very glad to announce that the Watch is making progress and we are ready to hire more active brothers!

As some brothers are leaving and have gone inactive, we are looking for looking for more to replace those that have left us.

We are looking for brothers who:

Are of different timezones (PST & UK preferred)
Willing to have an open schedule (for events and meetings)
Have patience
Are mature

In order to become a brother, please apply below or send the link to your application below.

Remember when applying, you are committing to an agency which you must not say anything about. The only proper way to leave the Watch is through death or a pardon. (Pardons are rare and mean you could still be asked back into the Watch.)

Good luck to those applying.
Watch Manager
I would like to apply im late but my user is shoot I live in uk and I would be happly to join

719 posts
Seen 23rd February 2023
23rd January 2016, 02:53 PM

http://damenspike.com/view/?id=52990 Here is my Application Kara! ~Kat

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