27th December 2018


Made by Julianhak in Debates

882 posts
Seen 28th September 2024
27th December 2018, 12:05 PM

Hello there!
From the title of this post you can obviously tell it's about applications. And I think it's kind of useless to have them on forums, and heres why:

Lets be honest, every time your applying, it always takes a while to come up with a format, not only that but you need to worry about things like, applications being open, or format. I think theres a way this would be much easier to do. We all know about the https://damenspike.com/vacancies/ site, and well it's kinda pointless to have applications on forums. With vacancies, your 100% sure that at one point it'll be read by the person who put out the application. With forums, it's different. Also, you don't have to come up with a format, it's pre made, all the requirements, and responsibilities are right there infront of you, and you can tell when applications are open for something or not. It's always great to get feedback from the community about an application, but you could just copy and paste the application in a DM with someone, or onto a forums post for feedback. I just think that forums applications are a huge hassle, and that maybe they should be abolished. I mean, i'm sure the community has lots of ideas of what the application subject can be replaced with. So, idk it was just a thought I had.

+1 by DamenTest2

24 posts
Seen 19th March 2023
27th December 2018, 12:25 PM

Well, you could now link your forum app to your vacancy application

-Damen on his phone

+1 by Julianhak, door and Loki

882 posts
Seen 28th September 2024
27th December 2018, 12:33 PM

DamenTest2 wrote on 27th December 2018, 12:25 PM:
Well, you could now link your forum app to your vacancy application
-Damen on his phone
Oh cool

+1 by DamenTest2

The Guy From Boston
1,779 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
31st December 2018, 09:53 AM

the issue that I have with applications is that they're basic and uninformative texts with beautiful painting and wording behind it to make the user seem "perfect"

it's just garbage and irks me everytime that happens.

it was only hypothetical
6,414 posts
Seen 25th August 2023
1st January 2019, 09:20 AM

Agreed, applications are very confusing, the vacancies model is much better due to the pre-established format. However, I still believe that applications provide more freedom, there is not a "standard" for applications, there's just "essential topics" that you must talk about.

+1 by DamenTest2

Sweet memories

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