24th July 2019
GACPS as of 1955 (Alternate History)
Still Mink
1,163 posts
Seen 15th August 2023
24th July 2019, 02:26 PM
(If you do not want to read the history, at least skip to Final Words paragraph for an important message)
The United States officially won the American War of Independence in 1783 with the signing of the Treaty of Paris. With that, the original thirteen colonies gained land east of the Mississippi River, It also included Quebec, Ontario, and parts of Rupert’s Land up north that the United States was able to either invade or convince to join the revolution. In the early 1800s, the United States wanted to expand not westward, but across the Atlantic in order to rival Europe in it's sizable Navy. It also wanted to control parts of Atlantic slave trade. As such, it had participated in wars or purchases for Florida and the Caribbean. By the late 1810s, it had acquired much of the Caribbean through purchase and war with with Spain. It had also developed an alliance and greater partnership with Gran Colombia, ruled by Simon Bolivar. In the ladder half of the 1800s, the United States would help facilitate Gran Colombia's and it's own expansion into South America. The United States was able to acquire the Guianas through purchase, ceding some of the territory to Gran Colombia as well. Soon, Gran Colombia got into a dispute with Brazil that ended in the Great Southern American War. Brazil lost the war and as such ceded territory to the powers of Gran Colombia and the United States, while also giving independence to an American puppet state, the Sao Fransisco Republic, which gained full independence in 1922. The United States also acquired the Yucatan Peninsula after the Republic of Yucatan offered to join the United States rather than be once integrated into Mexico. As of 1955, the United States is a rich and vast country spanning over the continents of North and South America with a powerful navy stronger than that of the United Kingdom in the Atlantic.
Final Words
As of today and on, I will NOT be continuing any more mapping posts. I've considered doing it for awhile since no one really looks at them or talks to me about them. That is not the only reason though. The other reason is I just don't enjoy making them as much anymore. I've lost all my will at this point to continue making maps, at least for awhile. I might make a mapping post in the future, but not any time soon. I will still make maps if commissioned to do so, but not for my own time. I will also still do flags and probably will start doing more flag oriented posts than map-oriented ones. I'm really proud of the maps I've made over the summer, and will do some in the future when I'm ready to do them again. Thanks for the support some of you have given me on these. It really puts a smile on my face to have people enjoy the hours of work I put out.
Thanks again,
Still Mink
1,163 posts
Seen 15th August 2023
24th July 2019, 04:26 PM
flameknight333 wrote on 24th July 2019, 04:13 PM:
Aw I liked your mapping posts. I started looking into them just recently and I'm quite interested on what you have to offer.
Thanks for the support. You can look back at some of my old ones. Unfortunately, I just won't be making any more of them for a little while.