20th May 2020

Snaildom Moderator Application

Made by Dice in Applications

News Reporter
4,301 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
20th May 2020, 04:50 PM

Name: Dice
Timezone: EST
Discord: Dice#7722
Current Rank: News Reporter

Why do you want to apply
I want to apply because I believe I am fit for the job and that Snaildom needs more moderators for events and such.

What makes you stand out
I began playing Snaildom the day it came out in 2014. I have been in this community since DSGHQ. I know the rules well and I know I would be a great moderator. I know Snaildom inside and out.

What qualities make a good mod according to you
A good moderator knows the rules, is active, and is helpful and nice to the users. They help every new user they see and enforce the rules strictly. They are also a great person to talk to if a user has an issue.

If you were picked, what are you able to bring to the team
I would be on every single day and be helpful to the new users that may join.

+1 by Pablo, Sam , Bob and CocaCola10

709 posts
Seen 16th June 2020
21st May 2020, 03:16 PM

Good luck for mod, Dice! I hope you get it!

+1 by Dice
Best Friends
Damen, Nathan Drake, Tennis, Jesse, Matthew, Freddy, Crowflying, Roberto, Bobby, Bp28, Sir Sriram

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