12th June 2020

News Reporter Vacancy

Made by Dice in News

News Reporter
4,301 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
12th June 2020, 12:10 AM

I am looking for one new News Reporter!

- Past reporting experience (preferred)
- Good grammar
- Have a passion/interest in reporting

Roles and Responsibilites
- Must report at least twice a month
- Report news on OldCP, P3D, Snaildom, LeoRPG (DSGHQ in general)

What Comes With News Reporters?
The command /news, the title "Press", a green namecolor, and a Press faction.

News Reporter Pay
News Reporters get paid 10,000 gold if they write 3 or more reports per month.

How To Apply
Apply in a reply on how you reach the roles/responsibilities and the requirements. Other information needed is Name, your Discord name and number, and any other information I may need to know. Applications must be turned it by 4 PM EST on June 14th.

+1 by kensey, Pic, Joseph, Crowflying and 12 others

livin life
237 posts
Seen 21st August 2023
12th June 2020, 12:22 AM

Good luck!!

+1 by Dice and Joseph

296 posts
Seen 3rd October 2024
12th June 2020, 01:00 AM

I dont think most people have past news reporting experience but good luck to everyone!

740 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
12th June 2020, 01:31 AM

If I can suggest, they should also include a sample of their writing and should be aware the abusing of /news is not allowed

You'll never silence my voice, no, I won't go.

Izuno - Mal31 - SecurityGuy - Jenna

838 posts
Seen 7th July 2023
12th June 2020, 01:35 AM

CoffeeCow I News Reporter Application


Username: CoffeeCow
Age: 19
Current Role(s): War Knight
Timezone: CDT
Contact (Discord): coffeecow#2119


- DamenSpike Rookie
- DamenSpike Member
- DamenSpike Master
- Forum Moderator
- News Reporter

OldCP.biz Experience(s)

- Imperial Knight
- Party Guard
- Moderator
- War Knight
- Penguin Watch Captain
- Emperor Helper
- Empress
- North Knight
- Knight Captain
- Lady of the Bank

Do you meet the requirements?
  • Past news reporting experience

    Yes. These experiences are explained later on throughout this application.

  • Good grammar

    My native language is English. I am able to write in Spanish too. If chosen, I would love for the Spanish users to have a chance of reading the reports in their own language. I will be more than happy to write and translate from English any future reports in Spanish, if needed.

  • Have a passion/interest in reporting

    I have been creating reports for a very long time. Writing is a stress reliever and more than a fun activity to do, rather than something that is forced. However, there are a bit of disadvantages when writing comes in place. It is time consuming and personally, you have to be in the right mindset to be able to sit and write for hours. As a point that will be mentioned later on throughout this application, I am passionate to spend my time writing detailed reports for the community. Not only it will be fun for me, but it will give users an easy time to understand the events that has or will be going on in the community.

Roles and responsibilities
  • Must report at least twice a month

    With the global pandemic occurring and the completion of high school, I have an enormous amount of time to dedicate towards the community. As mentioned above, I was a former News Reporter for some time. I had the advantage of posting a few reports over the months, until I was demoted for inactivity. This time round, with the free time and motivation to be involved in the community, I am committed to master the requirements needed for this position.

  • Report news on OldCP, P3D, Snaildom, LeoRPG (DSGHQ in general).

    I have an account and access on all gaming platforms. Furthermore, I have a basic foundation and understand the concepts of each of the DamenSpike Games Headquaters games. With having an account and comprehending its functionality, it gives an advantage of writing the reports.
    Not only that, I have had this position before. Therefore, I had experience with reporting on multiple games over the months.

How else do you meet the requirements?

Around the last few months of 2015, I was promoted to Blogger and was able to write three reports within a span of a couple of months. As mentioned before, I was a News Reporter around the start of 2019. I was able to write a couple of reports over the course of the months. Unfortunately, I was demoted for inactivity. A few days ago, I had the motivation to start writing and decide to publish the promoted discussion named as, Recap - Penguin3D Warlord Tournament. I have gathered a list of some of the reports I have made, including the most recent one, the two other reports that were made during the time I was a news reporter and the three reports that were published when I was a blogger.

Most recent report:
Recap - Penguin3D Warlord Tournament

News Reports:
Warlord Tournament and More - 2/17/2019

Imperial Bank's Damenball Match Results

Blog Reports:

I have earned several ranks over the course of almost six years. These experiences can be shown on the top of the post. I believe to have accomplished most of the things and ranks I have been wanting to earn over the past few years. I am internally grateful for the opportunities and appreciate those moments. News Reporter was definitely one of the most interesting and difficult ranks to work with. I enjoyed it, for sure.
Other than experience from DamenSpike HQ, I was a temporary author for SpeedyCPPSHQ. For those who are not familiar with this website, it was the longest running, primary Club Penguin Private Server (CPPS) news blog, since 2012. Evidence based on this cannot be provided since the website was shut down a few years ago. For more information the website, I will provide a link below to their Twitter account.

Speedy CPPS' Twitter

- -
Thank you, Dice for giving us the opportunity to apply for this rank. Good luck to all the applicants!

- - -
Introduction picture was made by Joseph . Thank you very much.

+1 by Joseph, Dice, Tommo, door and 8 others

5,127 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
13th June 2020, 10:58 PM

this gives me memories of when i was a news reporter at 12 years old in 2013 <3

+1 by Seth, Scott and

5,165 posts
Seen 16th December 2024
14th June 2020, 03:37 PM


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