7th July 2020

DJ APP - Mari

Made by mari in Applications

30 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
7th July 2020, 11:38 PM

Hello!! Today I will be applying for the role "DJ". Let 's get right into it!

OLDCP Username: Mariposa

Timezone: CST (Central Standard Timezone, 1HR BEHIND EST)

Current ranks: Imperial knight (on account MNM21) and game host

How often would I be willing to a radio show?: I can pretty much do a radio show any day of the week, as of right now. For times, I would most likely do them around 1-7 CST.

Pitch a radio show idea:
#1 - Themed music nights. For example, I could theme a radio show around "love songs" , and people could recommend their favorite love song hits!

#2 - Impersonation nation. If people are willing, we could have certain days where people can impersonate their favorite celebrity. Best impersonation wins OLDCP gold.

#3 - Game night music - Sometimes, us game hosts play games such as musical chairs. If given the role, I could use it to help out during certain game nights.

I haven't been banned in the past few months, or at all, ever.

I have experience with discord bots, I tend to set them up for a ton of my friends, I can also learn how to use bots quite quickly.

That concludes the application! Have a great day/night, whenever you're reading! <3

+1 by kensey, Zaron, Zes, Brit and 6 others

586 posts
Seen 24th October 2021
8th July 2020, 12:38 AM

hell ye mari

+1 by Brit

graphic designer
3,098 posts
Seen 30th August 2023
8th July 2020, 08:42 AM

Awesome ideas, Mari!!!

+1 by Brit

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