10th July 2020

Crimezone: July 9 Single and Looking to Mingle

Made by Loki in News

Queen of Vultures
1,641 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
10th July 2020, 01:40 PM

Pythas: Single and Looking to Mingle

Crimezone: July 9, 2020

SENTRY came at a little after 4:30 PM EST with a message from Pythas to the Little, the Queen of the North. He said that her face had been noticed by Pythas and he has taken to it. He tried to tempt her by saying that if she went to Pythas, she would become more powerful than everyone else. Then he (SENTRY) started off in a poem that Pythas had written for Little. It was odd and he eventually admitted to copy and pasting it when others laughed at his work and said they could do better.

Then SENTRY announced that Pythas would be at the Myfort Underworks in 10 minutes. So everyone then sailed to Das to see if Pythas would actually show up. He did not! But he gave us a cool display in his palantir. He showed many images like the wedding of Melody and himself. He showed images of fire, Melkor, and another Galaxy.

Image of the wedding of Melody and Pythas.

Eventually Pythas got to the point. He started using the Palantir to say words. Like that he was lonely and that there was no reason for him to live. He also ominously said "RUN". No one ran and the Star of Pythas appeared. Most of the room started to get choked shortly after its appearance.

Star of Pythas is the little white dot. Below is a closer look.

This was all that happened in that room. Pythas got tired of messing with everyone in his Palantir and left. Presumably, telling Little to meet him there was a trap just to get everyone to come.

Awhile later, Birdword appeared in the Forest with messages from Manwe. Here is what he said:
Hear what the humble Lord of Wind has to say. Make a logo for the Sons of the Prophets. Manwe makes Akkar co-leader.

Then he started speaking about other things. He told Loki to become a white bird and to abandon her black feathers. AKA a dove not a vulture. When confronted with the fact that some vultures are good, he replied with "yes, but not yours. Not your parrents, now go eat their flesh as carrion."

Then Birdword offered Fable the job of Manwe's right hand man. Fable accepted and immediately asked for greater health. Then he asked to be able to watch mortal fighting from above. Birdword gave him walk on walls to accomplish this. His first job is to kill PIGLOCK and SENTRY. He is not to let them speak.
To Kace, Birdword gave Kace the title of Ambassador to the Sons of the Prophets. His first job is to find Oomlek and turn him good. His new name would be Oomus. He also warned Kace not to marry or he could get distracted from his task.

To Kutya, Birdword gave the job of getting Saber to trial Pythas when she sees Orome in the stars once again. Kutya has said she has seen Orome in the stars. So the trial should be starting once again very soon.

To Loki, he gave the job of growing white feathers by eating her parents. She refused so then he said she could at least eat their eggs so they could not produce anymore offspring. Or a last idea which he said was impossible, turn her parents good.

Then Birdword flew away and with him, cz.

Tonight we learned that cz (the good side in particular) supports cannibalism. Never thought they'd tell anyone to eat their own parents or their potential offspring. Some of us may have also learned that Pythas is just a heart breaker. We saw how he messed with poor Little just to get people to come to the Palantir so he could eventually choke them. And also, and perhaps most importantly BIRD IS THE WORD.

+1 by Melian , eugee, Brit, Varai and 4 others

2,484 posts
Seen 30th July 2023
10th July 2020, 02:33 PM

I don't blame Pythas for wanting me, im pretty great <3 xoxo

+1 by EbonJaeger

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