25th July 2020

Furniture Update Ideas

Made by Miromeski in Penguin3D

647 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
25th July 2020, 02:56 AM

Versión en español en comentarios
Hi, Ive recently gotten back into P3D and Damen said the next update would be about furniture so Im listing a few ideas.

-Updated Igloos-
for my first suggestion, I think it would be cool to be able to buy bigger igloos, or add modules onto your existing one, like a ladder to a 2nd floor, corridors to different side rooms, or even a basement. With this addition, you could add furniture Items such as beds, kitchen decorations like fridges, microwaves, ovens, or even counters.
-Custom Decorations-
for my second suggestion, I feel like it would be interesting to be able to put your own items on display, like being able to put antlers on a display frame like how the roman head is, an item/armor rack could be added, where you could be able to display armor or items.
for my third suggestion, an furniture item that is a race track would be amazing, so you can build a race track to race your friends in your igloo, but with this you would need the ability to bring cars and inflatable rings to your igloo.
for my fourth and final suggestion, I am not sure this could be possible, but the ability to teraform your igloo to create slopes, mountains, arches, and other things like that, this could also be done by making a new furniture shop for land items, like trees, rocks, rivers, and land features such as I mentioned before.

+1 by turquito10, Chelsey, Pic, seagull cool and 3 others

647 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
25th July 2020, 03:00 AM

Lo siento si esto no tiene sentido, lo he puesto a través de Google Translate
Igloos actualizados
para mi primera sugerencia, creo que sería genial poder comprar iglúes más grandes o agregar módulos a uno existente, como una escalera a un segundo piso, pasillos a diferentes habitaciones laterales o incluso un sótano. Con esta adición, puede agregar elementos de muebles como camas, decoraciones de cocina como refrigeradores, microondas, hornos o incluso mostradores.
-Decoraciones personalizadas-
para mi segunda sugerencia, creo que sería interesante poder exhibir sus propios artículos, como poder colocar astas en un marco de exhibición como, por ejemplo, cómo es la cabeza romana, se podría agregar un bastidor de artículo / armadura, donde podrías mostrar armaduras u objetos.
-Pistas de carreras-
para mi tercera sugerencia, un elemento de mobiliario que sea una pista de carreras sería increíble, por lo que puedes construir una pista de carreras para competir con tus amigos en tu iglú, pero con esto necesitarías la capacidad de llevar autos y anillos inflables a tu iglú.
para mi cuarta y última sugerencia, no estoy seguro de que esto sea posible, pero la capacidad de teraformar tu iglú para crear laderas, montañas, arcos y otras cosas por el estilo, esto también podría hacerse haciendo una nueva tienda de muebles por tierra elementos, como árboles, rocas, ríos y características de la tierra, como mencioné anteriormente.

684 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
25th July 2020, 03:05 AM

p3d cinema mode

647 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
25th July 2020, 03:08 AM

House banners!!!

News Reporter
4,301 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
25th July 2020, 03:12 AM

turquito10 wrote on 25th July 2020, 03:05 AM:
p3d cinema mode
I'm not sure how that would work, since it's a 3D game.

684 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
25th July 2020, 03:47 AM

Dice wrote on 25th July 2020, 03:12 AM:
turquito10 wrote on 25th July 2020, 03:05 AM:
p3d cinema mode
I'm not sure how that would work, since it's a 3D game.
free camera like a spectator mode

713 posts
Seen 6th October 2020
25th July 2020, 03:57 AM

house upgrades, displaying items/tools, and terraforming? someone's been playing animal crossing

+1 by Miromeski

42 posts
Seen 21st April 2021
25th July 2020, 04:21 PM


+1 by zackwiwe74

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