9th August 2020


Made by Zack TV in Introductions and Leaving

Ya Daddy.
1,046 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
9th August 2020, 01:13 PM

So what have I covered?

1: I think there's bias taken into way too much power in punishment situations. (Sled, as one of MANY examples, but not the main one)

and basically, I feel like we should realistically punish crimes, for a fair system.

I wanted to make this thread after the sled issue because it seemed opportune to discuss my opinion on related events.

The community seems to be arrogant, but Please read this.

Sled showed you compassion, yes but she also made a great mistake. Its not your position to decide that she's un-guilty because she's kind to you.
There's a term for "for the greater good" and I think it should be thought this way:

Punishing Sled properly makes it a clear sign for her predecessors to take her road, but miss her bumps.

I also wanna turn to me, personally.

DSGHQ hasn't really taken me seriously or heard me out. I've felt relatively ignored, and mocked for my opinions.

I've been made to feel like my ideals, and opinions are wrong despite the fact they are common sense.

I am tired of this feeling.

I've decided henceforth that I will no longer make opinionated post. Or any post for that fact.
I am leaving the Forums, and OLDCP.

I've talked this over with friends, and this is the best way to go.

But anyway I just wanted to leave telling you guys,

don't let the clouds of bias, blind you from the pursuit of justice.

have a good day.

+1 by Varai, Oopacus and
"Abso • lutely not a Pe • do"!

647 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
9th August 2020, 03:07 PM

Why are you acting like a child? People have made opinionated posts forever, and if their opinion wasn't liked, who cares? That's what you get if you make an opinionated post, you are basically begging for people with a differing opinion from you to respond, and anyone who was mature enough would realize this. Sled made a mistake, everyone does, and she is an amazing admin, this is just a bump in the road, also not to mention EVERYONE who got nuked was revived.

+1 by EbonJaeger

News Reporter
4,301 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
9th August 2020, 03:33 PM

It was nice knowing you. See you soon!

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