News Reporter
4,301 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
10th August 2020, 09:33 PM
Hey guys! Dice here for Dice Talk! Welcome to the 246th episode.
Penguin3D received a new room today called the Thrones Courtyard. It is located at the beginning of the right Thrones hallway before the hallway that includes the Smithy and Jail.
When you join the room, you are greeted by many trees, picnic tables, crates, barrels and chairs, a perfect area to hang out with your friends.
When you take a right at the door, there is a trail of pebbles that leads you to the second area of the Courtyard.
In the second area of the Courtyard, there is a joust area, a chair for Damen, House Drake banners and swords on the walls, and red benches for the people to sit on.
Another Warlord Tournament will occur tomorrow at 5 PM EST / 10 PM UK. I hope to see everyone there!
I am hosting a racing event on August 12th at 5 PM EST / 10 PM UK. Check out my post for more information!
There is a new system of war that puts the people at war in charge of the rules of it. Here is the link where you can declare war: