17th August 2020

Back To School Guide!

Made by Jake01 in Help and Support

2,814 posts
Seen 24th May 2023
17th August 2020, 06:04 PM


Hi! I'm going to be writing what I think is a guide that'll do the job for when you go back to school. I'll keep it as short yet informative as possible because who the hell likes reading XD
There'll be 3 headings with some more subheadings with succinct bullet points. Hope you guys take some of my advice on board :)

* Have a clean and tidy study space. This means regularly making sure things are where they are supposed to be and the space itself is in a good condition
* Your study space must be big enough for you to study comfortably. A cramped study space would make you feel demotivated to work because you know how uncomfortable it can get.
* Adding onto making sure things are where they're supposed to be (so none of those gel pens in about a million different shades to write your titles!), only have things relevant to your studying in your study space. We all know phones are distractive but even the littlest things that aren't meant to be there can hazard a distraction!
* Give the space a bit of decoration and aesthetic. This will make sure you enjoy working at that space because you are content with how it looks.
* Electronic devices are your best friend! Use them wisely!
* Apps such as "Forest" and sites such as tomatotimers.com make sure you're not distracted by your PC/mobile.
* Use your devices to stay ahead of the game - whether it's keeping schedules, or watching videos on topics or even asking people for help.
* If you're in a lower stage of education, a pencilcase, water bottle, lunchbox (optional) and schoolbooks should do.
* If you're in a higher stage of education, add on small binders and a planner to the above. This will be the case for me as I'll be getting a lot of papers and need to keep them neat!
* I use an Eastpak backpack as they're well-built and have good space in both compartments. Don't put all your things in one compartment, you do NOT want yesterday's macaroni reading that copy of Romeo and Juliet you bought for your strict English teacher's lesson!
* DO NOT fill your backpack with unnecessary things, only pack what is needed on that day.
* This is a big thing, but you have to keep it in shape or it could be the downfall of your new academic year.
* Always have time to unwind. No one is ever constantly on the beat, everyone needs to have their downtime or they will capitulate!
* Don't let small things bring you down. They snowball into a big... well... snowball.. of negativity and you will keep remind yourself about them.
* When things get tough, take a walk. Walks calm both your heart-rate and your thought process down.
* This is something I really wanna do, but wake up 30min-1hr earlier on a schoolday and do some exercise. Whether it's a walk round the block or your garden for 20min, or doing some pressups etc - it'll help prepare you for the intense day ahead. Plus you get some pretty sick gains ;)
* Eat healthy consistently. This don't mean becoming that Vegan Teacher on TikTok or controlling every bite you have, but have a good balance between junk food and healthy food. It'll make you feel good and keep you going through the dull Winter period.
* Doing extra-curricular activities afterschool. Even if it isn't physically intense like a chess class or something, you are building your physical endurance by staying at school for that extra hour or two. Trust me, it'll help for when you're at a higher stage of education or even at work!
* Keep your eye on the prize! Remind yourself of where you want to be at the end of the school year. Even in the lowest of times, you have to remain focused or you will get nowhere.
* Pay attention! I don't know how else to put it out there, but if you follow the other steps well enough your attention span will improve. Therefore, your focus does too.
* Keep on top of things! The more you have, the less focus you can channel on a task!
* Failure is guaranteed. It's how you respond to it which counts. Whether it's revision or asking for more help, you must fight back and turn that failure into a success.
* Do not stop at where you are right now. There is always going to be something in your curriculum that you can brush up on or learn more about.
* Thinking both short term and long term. In the short term, you have to plan day by day for school. In the long term, you have to plan for aspirations, future subjects or examinations.
**** FALL DOWN 7, GET UP 8.
* Be prepared for anything. Take this year as an example XD
* Make sure you are ready for whatever is thrown at you. It will only make things easier for you getting back up when you fall down.
* Keep a firm grip on the game. It's only you who can decide how much control you have on it.

Thanks for reading if you've reached this far! :D
This has taken me the whole day to plan and sort out, PLEASE REPLY TO THIS WITH SOME OF YOUR OWN TIPS AND ADVICE TOO!

I wish everyone here a prosperous new academic year and I hope you have learnt something new from this. <3

+1 by Dice, TerryDJ, Gamer, Ras and 24 others

News Reporter
4,301 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
17th August 2020, 06:12 PM

health class vibes

+1 by Jake01 and Rachell

OG ?
1,498 posts
Seen 30th August 2023
17th August 2020, 06:46 PM

great post bro, hard work pays off in the end ?

+1 by Rachell, Jake01, George, trixie and 1 other

53 posts
Seen 1st January 2023
17th August 2020, 07:28 PM

the way i'm doing virtual learning this year-

+1 by Rachell, Jake01, and George

158 posts
Seen 23rd July 2023
18th August 2020, 08:04 AM

ugh I wish I was this organised

+1 by , Jake01 and George

2,814 posts
Seen 24th May 2023
18th August 2020, 08:35 AM

Finnawoke wrote on 18th August 2020, 08:04 AM:
ugh I wish I was this organised

same, i dont follow half this stuff LOL but i will this year :D

+1 by George

740 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
18th August 2020, 04:47 PM

Nice guide, Jake. These are really helpful tips. This is the stuff I do for school.

- Studying. I read my notes 10 times over, repeat them from memory 5 times and write them 3 times. Helps you to remember. I did this last year before a pop quiz and was the only one who received 100%.

- Apps. These are the apps I use on my phone:

Photomath helps solve math equations when you don't understand and tells you exactly how to solve them, Linguee is basically a REALLY advanced dictionary, Egenda helps you keep track of homework and studying, Schoology is my school's course provider that allows you to do online assignments, pretty sure you know what Duolingo is, Remind texts you reminders on when tests are so you can study and Zoom is so we can talk face to face.

- Paying attention, not gossiping, hardly talking. Surprisingly I don't talk much in school unless people draw me into a conversation or unless I have something I'd like to say. It keeps me focused on the work and on learning which helps you remember more things for tests. I also take different minty things like tic-tacs, wintermint gum, spearmint gum, etc. because mint helps your mind focus and helps prevent headaches.

But yeah! That's just what I do. I love your guide.

+1 by Jake01
You'll never silence my voice, no, I won't go.

Izuno - Mal31 - SecurityGuy - Jenna

90 posts
Seen 5th June 2023
18th August 2020, 04:48 PM

aw this post is rlly nice & has rlly good pointers keep it up jake

+1 by Jake01 and Brit

54 posts
Seen 19th December 2020
19th August 2020, 02:58 AM

Good, but my classmates wait for my return so that I arrive at school and I am always late as always

+1 by Jake01 and Yuwokin

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