20th September 2020

Jet Plane Training - Penguin3D

Made by CoffeeCow in News

838 posts
Seen 7th July 2023
20th September 2020, 11:32 PM

Jet Plane Training - Penguin3D

Welcome to another segment of Moo News. In this discussion, we will be advertising Kutya’s Radio Show and Little’s search for looking for a husband. For further information, scroll throughout the discussion to discover what these two will be offering to their members and potential customers of Damenspike Games HQ. Advertisement is greatly offered to those who are in need of promoting their business that was brought to you and exclusively by AdCow, CashCow Company. This is issue number fourteen We are here to spill all the coffee.

On the sixteenth of September, Damen announced in a discussion on forums that he will be training a few users on riding the Premiair A16 and Airvessel A320 on Penguin3D. To view the following discussion, click here.

Jet Plane Training - Penguin3D

To commence the event, users gathered around the PremiarA16 to decide who will be the first to ride it. Zpheal was the pilot during this round, while the rest of us were crammed in the back of the place.

The view when taking off and landing inside the plane looked gorgeous.

It seemed as if Squilio and Eugee could not enter the jet on time.

Highlights from the flight:

It was time for Zpheal to land the plane. We were all terrified that the plane will be crashed. Guess what? You are not wrong.

In the arms of an angel…

On the next flight, I rode with Montocho being the pilot. The rest of the users rode on another flight.

On the third trial, Damen drove the plane and all the passenger seats were taken.

Highlights from this flight:

You are right. Damen has failed us all.

The Beckett162NovaAir was flown next by Dice, Orlock and BoshiSinCapa.
Highlights from the two flights:

BoshiSinCapa, you were great at flying the jet. However, I chickened out.

After the few tries of riding as a passenger on the plane, I took interest in having to do the exam.

Next time you see me online, let’s test out how well I can fly one of the jets.

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I had the chance to interview two users who piloted the plane and a passenger of it. The order of the interviews will be in alphabetical order, according to their usernames.

Question #1: Did you study before taking the flying test?
Answer: Yes, I studied for about five minutes before taking it.

Question #2: How was your experience with flying the jets? Which one did you fly?
Answer: I flew the PremairA16 today with everybody and was doing pretty good up until I accidentally hit "E" and was ejected from the plane, causing it to sink.

Question #3: Did you crash any of the jets? If so, what was the reason?
Answer: I crashed the Beckett162 a few times on the 1st day of flying but since I finally figured out how to fly I've only crashed like six times.

Question #1: Tell me about your experience being a passenger in the plane.
Answer: Well, it sure was an interesting experience, even though we died in the crash. It was happy to see many people interacting together and having fun in Penguin3D. The view is nice up there also. We all had a good laugh, even though the tragic event happened.

Question #2: Who was flying the plane when you crashed?
Answer: Well, the plane crashed two times. I was inside when Damen crashed it. Who would have thought the instructor would do it. We all make mistakes. The other plane was crashed by Zpheal, but I was seeing it from land.

Question #3: What was your favorite part from riding in the planes?
Answer: I think the most exciting parts are the takeoff and the landing. It shows how experienced the pilot is. It’s for far the most entertaining part. When you are in the air is relaxing, but the best are those two.

Question #4: Have you tried riding the plane? If so, was it difficult?
Answer: Not yet. I’m working on the test for now. I’m expecting to ride the plane tonight. I hope it goes well and I really hope I don’t crash, like people have done today.

Question #5: Any additional comments you would like to add?
Answer: One comment. Damen, thanks to you I lost my saber.

Question #1: Did you study before taking the flying test?
Answer: Yes, I studied before the flying test except when I took the actual test. It was kinda annoying since some of the questions it didn't mention in the study thing.

Question #2: How was your experience with flying the jets? Which one did you fly?
Answer: My experience with the flying jets was really cool. I got to fly the Premair 216 for the first time today. It was nice except for when I accidentally fell out of the plane.

Question #3: You are King of Dorval. Did you ask Damen to add the planes onto your island or was it his choice?
Answer: It was Damens choice to add the planes onto my island. He actually made the Dorval airport first, I believe.


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Thank you to Dice, Eugee and Orlock for answering the questions. Being the passenger on those who filed the jet was quite an experience. For those who have not downloaded Penguin3D, I highly recommend it. You will not be disappointed by the designs of the views.
Oh no! Damn it, Mooin Mocha!

The coffee has spilled. Until next time!

- - -

Credits to Eugee for translating part of the Spanish version of the report in Spanish.

+1 by Varai, EbonJaeger, SecurityGuy, Dice and 6 others

2,484 posts
Seen 30th July 2023
20th September 2020, 11:41 PM


Saviour of Dunes
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Seen 31st August 2023
22nd September 2020, 02:38 AM

Littlemix wrote on 20th September 2020, 11:41 PM:
How many wives do u have wth what about orbay WTHH

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