10th October 2020

Help me bring OldCP back to life

Made by Alatar in The Lounge

1,164 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
10th October 2020, 07:36 PM

We need new users, or the game's gonna die.

Listen, it's gone so far downhill, and for something I've practically tossed money away to it'd be a shame to see it die out.

So, what have I been doing?
Going around on Youtube, looking for CPR youtubers, finding discords, and basically giving a friendly advertisement.

I want to see a new era; something better than just old returning users.

If you see any of these new users, please be kind to them, and help them out.

+1 by Tommo, Rookie3142, Zes, Faith and 9 others, -1 by Carly and Cate

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