28th October 2020

Chapter Three: "Listen and Believe" - LeoRPG 2

Made by Dice in YouTube

News Reporter
4,301 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
28th October 2020, 02:38 PM

Part 3 of 7

This chapter was fun to play but a bit laggier than the other 2, most likely due to all the explosions and the burning statue.

Chapter 1: Bill Gates and soldiers attack Info Wars headquarters. Alex Jones and Paul Joseph Watson kill Bill Gates and the soldiers and barely escape.
Chapter 2: Alex and Paul are driving through the desert while a Chopper attacks their vehicle. They make it to a safe house, kill the soldiers, and shoot down the chopper with RPG-7's (Rocket launchers).

+1 by Boshi and Damen

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