1st December 2013, 12:03 PM
hi Declan with the news
Damen Maded a new cpps called penguinisles
Edit by Damen: It's not a cpps or anything like one.
Coffee Break
Oh Coffee Break Now
On animal Jam
Okay Back Now!
SWF still not made..
New Custom Penguin way of me
Not doing custom Penguin
and penguin custom shop is closed No more messages
Okay Because policeBob sent that message along time ago this is what it said
Never Tell me bad things i tell them
Cyber On A cpps website Not have game on like a writing bout cpps's
New Bug Section
This is a shop in news and the news is the shop and its a shop
My website from web
No interviews because of Oldcp problems
Ask Declan
Might be edited
Thats all of the news this is Declan with the news!
Declan - Quit
5,165 posts
Seen 16th December 2024
1st December 2013, 12:59 PM
It's not a CPPS. Does it look anything like it? Just because its penguins doesn't mean it's a club penguin private server.