15th November 2020

CZ Tea: Thirteen is a Lucky Number

Made by Loki in News

Queen of Vultures
1,641 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
15th November 2020, 01:00 PM

The thirteenth day of the eleventh month (Friday, November 13) was to be an evil day across OldCp. Pythas of Myfort was set to marry Little, the Lady of Winter Skies who also happens to be the daughter of Varda (Elbereth Githoniel) who was the Lady of the Universe.

Little agreed to this marriage and so Pythas had his goons line Myfort for the wedding. There were Vultures, Orcs, Urukhai, and Goblins all in attendance for the grand event. Cyrus, Pythas' chief lieutenant was also in attendance as well as Golam the Choker. Orlock was chosen to be the black priest to officiate the wedding and Turin was to be Pythas' best man but rejected it.

At 6 PM EST, Pythas showed up and Little was then sent for for the wedding. The two exchanged some lovely words before Orlock started the vows part of the ceremony. Pythas was suave as usual, telling Little that he had never beheld such beauty as her on Earth. Many people scoffed as that was about what he had said about Melody when they had first gotten married. Little returned his enchanting words and said that she was excited for their matrimony and for what the future was to hold for them.

After their words, Orlock started the wedding and the two exchanged vows, both saying "I do." But before they could truly seal their marriage with a kiss, Turin came. Turin was angry and refused to let his father marry the lovely Little. He attacked and all heck broke loose. Even the servers crashed!

Eventually the servers came back up. Pythas came to the forest and spoke with his angry son for a bit. He told Turin that his army had impressed him but he would not stop his marriage to Little. He asked Little to come to him so they could kiss to seal their marriage. Sadly, Little had lagged out so she could do nothing.

Pythas was left standing without his bride and so he laughed in the people's faces as they were saying that his time had come and he was going to die. He said "NO MAN CAN KILL ME." Much like what The Witch King had said before he was slayed. He was certain that he was going to fight his son again and he was certain that he would not die.

He laughed at the weapons that people had pulled on him and repeated his words that no man could kill him. And thats when he was killed. He was killed by Saber, who is not a man but a woman. And just like that Pythas was gone from OldCp without so much as pulling his blade.

The earth then shook and Nameless One came back in all his glowing orb glory. He spoke through everyone and said:
As was prophecied. So he is gone for all time. From two dimensions....now only to three. Meet my prophet, you will recognize him.

The prophet was Nook, of course. Nook was happy that Pythas had been killed. He said that all the children of Pythas were now scarred for life. He also said that Nameless One offers Saber Queen of the Universe (which replaces Varda). He said that Pythas now only exists in P3D.

Nook then spoke about the New Forest being formed. And said the following:
A new forest is starting. Nameless One is in charge. Rainberry is Shaman Queen. Saber and Little are Queen of the Stars. Kutya is Queen of the Galaxy IOK1. Nameless One says Turin and Nook are exiled.

And thus ended the day's events.

Today we learned that Friday the 13th can indeed be a lucky day. Pythas is gone but his followers are not. Who will try to take over the New World Order now? Currently its looking like Cyrus is going to try to but many former members of the NWO do not want to follow him and they do not recognize him to be the true leader of the NWO. Too bad for them though that leadership of this dark organization is proven by brute strength and abilities to do things such as arming members and granting them health. PIG also currently sides with Cyrus so its looking like Cyrus is indeed the new leader of the NWO. Perhaps this will change though as time goes by...
Rip Pythas, my you instill fear in the hearts of many on P3D.

+1 by , Faith, Damen, Varai and 4 others

882 posts
Seen 28th September 2024
15th November 2020, 01:23 PM

smh nook still isnt playing minecraft with me

+1 by Faith, kace, Loki and

5,165 posts
Seen 16th December 2024
15th November 2020, 01:58 PM

Great report Loki. It was a tumultuous occasion, more than I expected

+1 by Loki, SecurityGuy, Zes and , -1 by Miromeski

647 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
15th November 2020, 02:18 PM


+1 by Loki and

405 posts
Seen 31st January 2023
15th November 2020, 02:44 PM

aye i like my beard

+1 by Loki and

Ya Daddy.
1,046 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
15th November 2020, 03:38 PM

Good report, I really didn't know what happened.

Keep up the good work.

+1 by Loki
"Abso • lutely not a Pe • do"!

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