10th December 2020

fitness tips

Made by ian in Help and Support

2,542 posts
Seen 30th August 2023
10th December 2020, 09:01 AM

I'm very passionate about exercise and wanna give you guys some of my tips that help me stay fit!

Sugar is not the enemy, Damen will agree with me on this but natural non-processed sugars are very healthy for you and give your body energy.

Strength training is a good way to lose weight naturally, but do not forget cardio before or after a lift.

Whey protein powder, this is where Damen, a vegan, will likely disagree with me. But I use whey protein powder, it's a good way to pack muscle. (Whey is an animal product)
A good substitute is pea-protein.

sounds cheesy, but have fun with it. I enjoy lifting not because it's beneficial to my mental and physical health, but because I genuinely think its fun.

Hope this helped!

+1 by zenny, Varai, kace, Faith and 2 others

5,478 posts
Seen 29th August 2023
10th December 2020, 10:53 AM

To be honest, the last time I bench-pressed was in high school. I remember it used to give me so much energy, and I actually began to enjoy it which shocked me. However, after high school, the most I've done is go on walks/hikes, lol... I wouldn't be opposed to trying it out again, staying healthy is wicked important! ^_^

+1 by ian
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