647 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
10th December 2020, 11:43 AM
So, NWO is now bad, we can all agree, why would Pythas want NWO to stop serving Pig, Ungoliant and the such and become communist?
Would Pythas want this???? No.
So, me and a few others (Turquito, Little) started a new group to take back former proper pythas serving, loyal land.
PYTHAS, PIG, BEHMON, SWINE, UNGOLIANT, If you see this, support our noble cause and give us support to destroy these feeble-minded traitors!
(Make Mirobrute op)
Would Pythas want this???? No.
So, me and a few others (Turquito, Little) started a new group to take back former proper pythas serving, loyal land.
PYTHAS, PIG, BEHMON, SWINE, UNGOLIANT, If you see this, support our noble cause and give us support to destroy these feeble-minded traitors!
(Make Mirobrute op)