13th March 2021
Game of Flight - Stage Two Recap
News Reporter
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Seen 31st August 2023
13th March 2021, 05:05 PM
Hey guys! Dice here for Dice Talk! Welcome to the 260th episode! Today, Damen hosted Day 2 of the Game of Flight competition! The task: fly a helicopter from the main helipads to the Sutherland cargo ship helipad.
1st: Dice
Score: 10/10
I flew from the main helipads and landed on the helipad. This time, I was accompanied by everybody. Yesterday, I flew with only Damen and Kace due to everybody being afraid of flying with me. Unbelievable!
2nd: StoneClash
Score: 7/10
Stone flew beautifully from the main helipads and did a good landing on the helipad. It was possibly one of the smoothest helicopter rides I have been in. He is truly one of the best pilots in Penguin3D.
(Stone hopped out and Mace hopped in)
3rd: Kace
Score: 9/10
Kace’s flight was great and very smooth as well. Points were only deducted due to his landing being “slightly off”.
4th: MaceWindu
Score: 8/10
Mace’s flight was epic but he failed to land on the helipad at first. He then retried it and landed beautifully!
(Picture of his first landing)
5th: Radaghast
Score: 9/10
Miro’s flight was great but Damen stated that his landing was what made him deduct points.
6th: Bakeitor
Score: 0/10
Bakeitor flew to about 600 feet until he told everybody to jump.
7th: Damen
Score: 10/10
Everything about Damen’s flight was beautiful and he received a 10/10. However, he was not competing.