9th August 2021


Made by Flynn in Entertainment

Living life in Survival
News Reporter
263 posts
Seen 30th August 2023
9th August 2021, 01:45 PM

shrek is shrek
panthera shrek
stormy shrek
in spite of the shrek
panthera leo large indefinite quantity
it reminds me of so shrek extraordinary things
it makes me think of many quite excellent things
it makes me think about ever such buffoonish things
la it makes me think of shrek quite excellent things
in it makes me think of so many interesting things
in it shrek me of so many extraordinary things
be it reminds me of so many excellent things
. so SHREK One afternoon I said to myself
be so SHREK large indefinite quantity
in love it a zoik panthera leo
. love it very SHREK
. love it love it
had love it love it
had , had in
la for , in
la for had la
take and so SHREK
SHREK take

+1 by Fable, Killer , Loki, and 3 others

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