30th August 2021

Forums Anniversary and Coronation of Damen

Made by Loki in News

Queen of Vultures
1,641 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
30th August 2021, 07:31 PM

Today, August 30th, 2021, marks the 8th anniversary of the DSGHQ forums release! Today we celebrated with Damen and Raindrop in a livestream that he hosted. We looked at the first posts of a few users such as Little, Orbay, Alatar, Sled, Raindrop, Bailey, Sriram, Adawg, and a few other old legends. It was a great time. The livestream lasted for about an hour.

Afterwards, many of us went on P3D to coronate Damen as Emperor of the South. The coronation was done by Loki. Here is a summary of the speech (not exact wording):
Fire is destructive but it also yields life. While the trees burn, it creates room for new growth to flourish. Drakes have risen again from the ashes of the Solaris Empire. I, Loki, Princess of Vultures, crown thee Damen Drake, Emperor.

It was a beautiful coronation and possibly the first time a draconian has sworn in a good guy as emperor. Here are a couple images taken after the ceremony.

Even Princess Raindrop showed up!

And then the floor kept turning pink due to a glitch. It was beautiful like a disco dance floor.

Damen also said he hopes to get the new P3D update out by the end of the next month, it is going to be a huge and epic update (epicness confirmed by Raindrop).

He may also do another casting day for the P3D movie but that won’t be until he starts working on the next part which won’t be until after the next update.

+1 by Varai, Foxel, Augustine, DaN and 7 others

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