14th November 2021

The Unsinkable

Made by Loki in Penguin3D

Queen of Vultures
1,641 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
14th November 2021, 12:46 PM

Yesterday, I set sail on an ill fated boat ride. I had purchased a newly built boat that was named the Titanic. The salesman told me it would never sink, not even in one million years! I took this as a good sign. What are the odds that two ships named the Titanic would both sink? SLIM TO NONE! This was to be its maiden voyage.

The day started out clear and sunny! There were a few snowflakes falling from the sky, yet not a cloud in sight. It was a beautiful day for sailing! I went out to sea. The Island looked beautiful from a distance. I almost wanted to turn back, for I had forgotten my binoculars that I was going to use to watch for icebergs with but thought better of it as it is unseasonable for icebergs to be out at this time of year.

I sailed on into the night. As I sailed it got foggy. Visibility became an issue.

Suddenly in the fog I hit something! There was a terrible noise from my boat as it scraped along the side of something. I hoped it was just another boat but alas! The fog cleared and I saw what it was. It was an iceberg.

And so, my boat sank.

+1 by SecurityGuy, Scott, Pic, Varai and 3 others

33 posts
Seen 8th January 2022
15th November 2021, 08:23 AM

this is the saddest story i've ever read :'(

+1 by Loki
keiji but high

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